Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven - The Second Battle Of Hogwarts [Part Three]

The Death Eaters dispersed out of the battle area quickly.They made it seem like it was race.
I saw my parents standing beside my uncle and aunt and then there was Albus sitting down near them, his hand on his head.
I ran over to them and flailed my arms about to try and get their attention.
My mum saw me and a smile lit her face.
"Rosie!" She said."Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm fine now." I said reassuringly.
I turned to see Albus and there was blood dripping down from near his left temple."Albus! What happened?"
"Got stunned and then flew into the air and hit the wall." My dad said.
Albus looked up at me and smiled weakly.I sat beside him and place my arm around him.
"Scorpius is in there.He's unconscious but should be awake soon." I said.His face was inscrutable and he was as white as paper.
"Okay I'm going to take you to Madam Pomfrey, Albus.Harry please stay here until I get back." My auntie said.
I could see the fear and worry in her eyes.
My dad nodded and began talking to my parents.Albus and my aunt had gone and I was standing looking around idly.
After a few minutes my uncle came to talk to me.His face had a cut by his nose and his glasses were slightly askew.
"You are a great dueler.I assume you heard the message and you know this happened in the previous battle.I want you to always be courageous and always do whatever you can to fight the bad and evil." He looked at me and smiled."You are definitely like Hermione."
After a hug he returned to my parents.My aunt came back and gestured me over to where my parents and uncle were standing, deep in conversation.
"Harry, this has happened before and maybe his time you won't be so lucky.I thought he'd never come back but I was wrong.No matter what happens you will be my hero and you will always be in my heart." My aunt said, tears bulging in her eyes.I had never heard my aunt talk in such a sad way.
"Ginny." He replied plainly and then she ran into his arms.I decided to turn away and speak to my parents but they were kissing.
Instead I examined by wand randomly.

Everything still hadn't sunk into my brain.
The Battle.
The prospect of loosing my uncle.

I got the cloak from out of my robes and decided to hand it to my uncle.
"I don't know if it'll help but it might."
He grinned at me.
"My adventures with that are over.It belongs to you and Albus now."
I folded it back up.
My uncle went to find James.
"He's going to Voldemort isn't he?" I asked my parents.My auntie began to burst into tears and my mum tried to comfort her.
My dad nodded."He can't!" I exclaimed.My dad placed his hands on my shoulders and looked directly at me.
"Your uncle is always putting everyone else first, it is like a nasty habit.Nothing you say will stop him going to Voldemort.I can't guarantee that this time your uncle will come back - I hope he does - but I don't know what the future holds."
"Ron! He's leaving!" My mum said in a panicked tone.
My dad turned round immediately.My uncle was walking to the Whomping Willow, his wand in his hand.I admired his determination and his courage.
I wanted to help him and follow him.
Everyone was watching him.Their was pride in his walk.
Why does evil have to exist in this world? I asked myself.
Without even thinking I bolted after my uncle.I had my wand in my hand and a mixture of determination and panic rushed through me.
I heard my parents shout "No" and many teachers.My uncle was a mere ten feet away from me and he hadn't notice me there.
I could see the crowd of Death Eaters and Voldemort standing at the front of them.The two giants were lingering near the Forbidden Forest.
There were no Dementors in site.
I slowed my running down and I was now right behind him.
"Go back Rose." He said.
"No." I said.
Before he could say anymore a Death Eater had grabbed him.I backed away behind a bush and I tried to hide.
I was quite certain they hadn't seen me.I quickly looked behind me and saw a translucent wall around us - Voldemort made it so no one else could try and save my uncle.I could see my parents had started walking down to the Whomping Willow which was spinning violently and flailing its branches in random directions.My uncle got pushed to the floor and Voldemort stood over him, looking please with himself.
"The Boy Who Lived." He laughed wickedly."Has come to die."


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