Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven - The Decision

I froze.

What was going to happen?

Would our friends turn us in?

Albus was looking at me , transfixed in horror.

Scorpius was starting to clamber down the stairs to the chamber.

We followed and went to the very back of the chamber.

"What are we going to do?" Scorpius asked.

"You are not getting involved.I don't want you hurt because of us.We are going to have to go to him Albus.We can't let him kill everyone." I said.

"Maybe he's bluffing." Albus suggested.

"It's Voldemort." I pointed out.

I didn't know what the students and teachers of the school would decide but I had made my decision.

We spent a few minutes down in the chamber and then headed up the stairs.

Before we went out the door I had to talk to Scorpius.

I just had the feeling that I would die that night.I took him aside as Albus was doing his lace.

"Scorpius if I d--"

"You won't die!"

"If I do.I don't want you to be sad or anything I want you to make sure you kill Voldemort."

He nodded.We walked back over to Albus and we had a group hug.

"I love you both." I whispered.I walked over to the door and was about to turn the handle but hesitated."Is there anyone in there? It's really quiet."

I put my ear up close to the door.I couldn't hear anything.

There was silence.

I opened the door.

We slid through and stopped at the horrific sight.

A large wooden board was in the centre of the hall.My cat was hanging by a hook , motionless.Written in blood was 'You have 20 minutes' and I knew it was my cat's blood.I screamed and ran over to Nella.

"We need to go Rose." Albus said seriously.A new sort of anger blossomed inside of me.I wanted to run far away from Voldemort.I wasn't brave anymore but I was still fuming.

I follows them out of the hall , quite reluctantly.We walked out onto the grounds , wondering where everyone was.As we walked a few more steps we found everyone looking around , as if searching for something.

It wasn't a thing they were searching for; it was us.

A blonde-haired boy saw us and dashed over to us.

"We have been looking for you! Professor Mcgonagall needs to speak to you immediately." He informed us.

I could see Professor Mcgonagall near the lake.We walked briskly over to her.

When she saw us she looked shock and happy.

"Where have you been? Wait no time for that.Miss Weasley and Mr Potter you need to come with me.Voldemort wants you and he isn't going to --"

"No we are going to him! We don't want everyone to die." Albus interrupted.

"Now Voldemort maybe powerful but hundreds of students and quite a few teachers are not going to be easily killed.We all know very good spells.His death eaters are nearly all gone."

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