Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry this chapter is quite dull.

Next update in 2 days.

Chapter Thirteen - Temporary School

A lot of Hogwarts had been destroyed due to Voldemort's anger.Consequently , we had nowhere to study whilst Hogwarts was being reconstructed.

The ministry arranged a large hall and a few small rooms within the ministry.Though it was something , it didn't feel the same.

The first day at the temporary school I remember clearly...

Everyone had to arrange their own travel; I traveled by floo powder.

I grabbed my trunk and bided farewell to my family.Then I took a handful of the powder tossed into the flames; it then turned into a fluorescent green and I stepped in.

"The ministry of magic." I said.

There was whirl of shapes and I choked on some ash.

Finally getting to the ministry , I coughed and stepped out.

Unsurprisingly , I saw many Hogwarts students bustling through the crowds , distinct by their large trunks and encaged pets.I scanned the crowds for my friends but saw my mum , who I had literally just saw only minutes ago.This shouldn't of been a shock to me as she works there but I thought she had a day off.

I swiftly made my way through the crowd and finally caught up with my mum.She was talking to a woman with curly black hair , a prominent nose and glasses.

"Mum." I said happily."I thought you weren't coming in today."

She turned around and grinned.

"They brought a hearing forward so I have to be there."

I glanced over to the woman and her eyes caught mine.My mum obviously noticed and introduced the woman."This is Athena Kennedy.She works in my department.Athena , this is my daughter Rose."

I held out a hand and Athena shook it , reluctantly.

"Hermione , I better be going.Kingsley has asked to see me.Probably a promotion." She said pompously and strode off.

"She is a bit--"

"Rose don't be rude."

"I was going to say nice." I lied.My mum gave me a hug and left.I followed the crowds of Hogwarts students.We got searched before entering the hall we would be spending most time in.

It was much larger than the great hall , walled with glossy ebony tiles and had 4 colossal glass windows.

On one half of the hall laid similar tables from the Great Hall with benches along each side.Then on the other half there was a large kitchen area which was filled with hundreds of house-elves.

Gradually the hall became fuller and fuller until every Hogwarts student and teacher was in the hall.I sat with Albus and Scorpius and listened to Professor Mcgonagall's speech.

"Welcome students! I know this isn't ideal and will be quite cramped , however , Hogwarts is unfortunately not secure anymore.Subsequent for recent events we have decided it is best for you to be working mainly in the Defence against the dark arts until the crisis is over." She paused and many people began whispering excitedly."Please note this is not an invitation for you to be going around freely hexing and jinxing people.I ask you to be safe when you are practicing and be vigilant when you are walking to classes.Following the attack at the ministry and one of our own students being injured." She paused again and many faces turned to me."The ministry has set extra safety precautions.Due to lack of space we have told your parents that you will be going back home to sleep.Portkeys can be arranged and older students can of course use apparition.If you prefer the floo network please notify Professor Flitwick of this and he can give you some if you do not already have some with you.Lunch and dinner will be served here but unfortunately breakfast isn't.If you have brought your pets you can leave them in the small chamber to my right but for future reference , please leave them at home.Take any books you need from your trunk now and keep them in your schoolbag.Any clothes you may have brought if you were not aware you won't be staying here keep in there until you go home.Have your wand with you at all times.Prefects will be handing your new and altered timetables.There is also a map of the areas you need to go to for certain lessons okay the back.As soon as you are ready head off for your first lesson."

I collected all my books and placed them in my satchel.I put my wand in my robes and read through my timetable.

Lesson One and Two - Protective Spells and Shield Charms with Professor Flitwick.

Lesson Three and Four - Useful Hexes and Jinxes with Professor Hanes.

I quickly read it again and then glanced over at Albus and Scorpius's timetables and they has the same.

"Yes we have the same!" I said cheerily.

"All the first years do Rose." Albus said blankly.

After 5 minutes we got to the small room that we were going to have our first two lessons in.The floor was quite peculiar but picturesque at the same time.It was magenta and was littered with tiny stars.I wasn't the only one looking at it , most of the students were.

"This room used to be used for astronomy.Now gather round and get your wands out.Put your bags over there."

The lesson was okay.We spent most of it trying to do a decent shield charm.

The temporary school wasn't too bad.We didn't have much space so everyone took it in turns.When me and a Ravenclaw girl , Sapphire , went up I didn't expect anything bad to happen.

We both had our wands out and she was going to shout the hex as I was supposed to block it.Then everything started to get blurry and I felt dizzy.I wobbled about the place and as I saw Sapphire's mouth move I fell to the ground.

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