Chapter Seventeen

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I had only just realised if I pressed and hold on the - button it comes up with different things like - - and • SO I HAVE BEEN DOING -- all the time when you can just do - WHAT!

Chapter Seventeen - Valentine's Day

"Er- yes sure." I said awkwardly.

"So it is Valentine's day this Saturday and well maybe we could do something together?" He said , his voice even more awkward than mine.His blue eyes were staring right through me.

"Yeah sure! That sounds great!" I said , the awkwardness completely gone from my voice.He gave me a fleeting hug and we left the classroom and went to Charms.

I wasn't sure about my feelings for Scorpius , he was a friend and I didn't want to do anything to jeoprdaize that.

Lovesome pink and rosy red decorations dressed the walls of the Great Hall; Valentine's day was approaching.

Three days before Valentine's day at dinner Professor Mcgonagall made an announcement:

"As Valentine's day approaches we think it is the appropriate time to tell you about the Valentine's dance this Saturday for first-years and second-years.As below third-years are not permitted to visit Hogsmeade , we have arranged something for you so you can have something to occupy you on Valentine's day.You must attend with a partner.It is at 7pm." She sat back down.

As soon as she had said Valentine's ball many people began talking and cheering.

I turned and began to indulge in my steak pie.

"Oh great." Albus said sarcastically and started to play with his mash with his fork.

"Oh what's up? It's only Valentine's day." I said.


"Aw worried you won't find a date?" I teased.He turned and looked at me , his face scarlet.

"No of course not." He said indignantly.I laughed and carried on eating my pie.

After two helpings of treacle tart , I left the Great Hall , meeting up with Scorpius in the Entrance Hall.We walked down to the lake which glistened under the moonlight.

"Albus seems very enthusiastic about this Valentine's ball."

"Haha.We need to find someone for him to go with."

"How about Sapphire?" Scorpius suggested.

"Yes! Do you know where the Ravenclaw common room is?"

"Oh no I don't." He said and looked around randomly.

"We could see if she is still in the Great Hall?"

He nodded and we walked back up to the castle.

We found Sapphire lingering by the threshold to the Great Hall.

"Sapphire!" I called after her.

"Oh hello Rose." She said and smiled."And Scorpius."

"Are you going with anyone to the dance?" I asked.

"Oh yes.I am going with Glen." She said.

"Oh we thought you could go with Albus." I said disappointedly.

"Ah sorry." She apologised and left.

"How about Elena or Pix?" Scorpius suggested.

"Pix will probably go with Zak."

"Let's try Elena.Should we go to the Gryffindor common room?"

"I'm really tired.I just want to go to sleep.I'll see you tomorrow." I said tiredly and left.I felt guilty for just leaving like that when he was trying to help.

I was so tired and I felt like I was going to faint.

Once I arrived in the common room I headed for the girls dormitories.Albus stopped me from getting up the stairs by grabbing my arm.

"Are you alright?" He asked concernedly.

"I am just tired." I said."Albus have you got yourself a partner?"

"Oh yes.Elena asked me."

"That's great."

"So who are you going with?"

That's when it hit me , I didn't have a date.

"Scorpius." I didn't mean to say that but how could I take it back.I hastily rushed up the stairs and collapsed onto my bed.Without changing I fell into a deep sleep.

When Sunday evening came and I had made sure that Scorpius actually wanted to go with me to the dance , I got ready.

Dressed in an aquamarine dress , I walked down to the Entrance Hall where Scorpius was waiting , dressed in black dress robes.His bright blonde hair shined under the torchlight and his blue eyes were watching me.As I walked down to him , his eyes widened and he gaped at me.

"You look beautiful." He complimented me.I blushed and then asked if he had seen Albus."He is there"

He pointed to the marble staircase.

Albus and Elena were walking down the staircase.Elena was wearing a lilac dress and her bleach blonde hair was curled and cascading down her side.Albus was in similar dress robes to Scorpius and his brown hair laid across his forehead in a cool way.He beamed at me and came over with Elena to us.

He was about a metre towards us but his brother jumped out in front of him.

"Alby!" He cheered.Nellie , a second-year with short and light brown hair and freckles followed James.

"Aw so this is your brother." She said and ruffled Albus's hair.

"Go away James." Albus said and pushed past him.

Elena followed after Albus and they came over to us.

"How are you Elena?" I asked politely.

She smiled enigmatically and gazed around.I was about to ask Albus how he was but Professor Mcgonagall had opened the doors to the Great Hall.

Scorpius linked arms with mine and we followed behind Albus and Elena.

The Great Hall was transformed.The decorations from a few days ago still dressed the walls.The Weird Sisters were at the other end of the Great Hall.Fluorescent silver lights danced to the music.Many tables and chairs , covered in red silk , were positioned at either side of the Great Hall.A large table was littered with a selection of food and drinks.Everything was divine and elegant.

We danced for what seemed like ages.That's all I remembered.

I woke up in the hospital wing.

Somehow my Valentine's day had been ruined.

This lovey stuff is so boring to write!

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Next chapter will be very short.

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