Chapter Six

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Chapter Six - Parents Vs Voldemort

I screamed as I watched Albus being tortured.I wanted to help him , but I still didn't have my wand.

The spell that was causing unbelievable to Albus was conjured out of deep malice.

I lost all hope.

No one was doing anything , they were all petrified.

Fortunately , Professor Mcgonagall came through the portrait hole and was about to shout a spell but Voldemort disapparated.

I immediately ran over to Albus , fell to my knees and shook Albus.

"Albus!" I screamed at him.

Professor Mcgonagall pulled me away and ordered me to take him to the hospital wing.

Fear rushing through me , I lifted Albus up and took him to the hospital wing , assisted by Zak.

I pushed the doors and Madam Pomfrey bustled over and took Albus.She laid him in a bed and examined him for a few seconds before rushing to her office and picking up many different objects.

"You may leave now." She said.

We left reluctantly and headed back to the common room in silence.As we turned the corner , Scorpius and Naz were rushing towards us.

"What happened?" Scorpius asked worriedly.

"Voldemort came back and used the cruciatus curse on Albus!" Zak explained.There mouths formed 'O's and they followed us towards the common room.

Naz and Scorpius left when we arrived at Dumbledore's portrait.

I said the password and went inside the common room.

Surprisingly , my parents were sitting in chairs by the fire with Professor Mcgonagall.I was so grateful to see them.

I ran into my Mums arms and she hugged me tightly.

"Rose , are you alright?" She said , panic and worry clear in her voice.

"Not really." I replied glumly.I sat down with my parents and Professor Mcgonagall.

"I have explained everything to your parents.We believe it is best that everyone leaves Hogwarts for the meantime." Professor Mcgonagall said sternly.Everyone in the common room , who had obviously been listening to the conversation , let out a furore."If anyone can now someone apparate into the grounds , how will you be safe?"

"Rose , did Voldemort say anything about his plans.Where he was going anything like that?" My Dad asked.

"Er he wanted to use us to get to you but that's about it , he didn't say where he was going.He might still be at that shack."

"Do you know where that was?"

I shook my head.I wish I knew , it would help him so much.

"Albus's cards were the portkey."

"Where are they?"

I pointed over to a small table.Professor Mcgonagall walked over and observed the card pack.

I turned to my parents and they looked at me.

"How come Uncle Harry isn't here? Albus would want to see him." I asked curiously.

"He is being guarded and is not allowed to leave the place he is staying." My dad explained.

I was about to say something but James had zoomed over.

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