Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen - Harold's Army

"Rose!" I heard someone shout.

My eyes flickered open and I could see four blobs.As my eyes adjusted slightly I could see who they were: Albus , Scorpius , Professor Flitwick and Sapphire.

"Rose! Are you okay?" Scorpius said worriedly.

My head was pounding and I wanted to drift back to sleep.

I looked around and saw many people looking concerned and worried.Dazed , I heaved myself off the ground , stumbled a little and then fumbled on the floor for my wand.

"I didn't say a spell or anything.I thought you were dead at first." Sapphire said solemnly.

"No No! I am fine." I said and collapsed into a chair.

"Are you sure?" Professor Flitwick said and brought over a lurid yellow potion."Madam Pomfrey said it'll help with the pain.Looked as if you bashed your head.Class get back to practicing!"

I drank the potion which had a very unpleasantly sour taste.

Everyone was practicing but the shield charms were very feeble as they weren't really concentrating; they continuously kept glancing over to see what I was doing.

The next day I felt fresh and full of energy again.

When I had a useful hexes and jinxes lesson there was a pleasant surprise when I came in.

I was walking in with Scorpius and Albus.

Though what happened next was unpredicted , it surely must of happened soon as we were in the ministry.

I pushed the door open and most of the class was already seated.Then at the front of the class was Professor Hanes and my dad and uncle.My dad and uncle saw me and Albus they grinned.We sat right at the front and I remember thinking about how my dad would be as a teacher.

"Quiet! Now as you are obviously aware we have two visitors: Mr Potter and Mr Weasley; they are Aurors here at the ministry of magic.You might already know them as family or you have been told stories or maybe you have their chocolate card but they are here to help and not to be harassed.You may ask them stuff to with jinxes or hexes and how best to use each one but nothing besides the subject of jinxes or hexes." Professor Hanes explained , a seriousness clear in his voice.As if my uncle and my dad's presence made him feel more sophisticated."Do you understand?"

There was low grunt from most people that sounded like an indistinct 'yes'.

"Right in threes and practicing the knockback jinx.One person will be a sort of judge and the other two dueling.Off you pop." And professor Hanes began in deep discussion with my uncle and dad.

Albus , Scorpius and I went in a group and positioned ourselves as close as possible to my dad and uncle and Professor Hanes.I was trying to discreetly earwig on their conversation.

"Fortis you think they won't ask questions? You must be joking." My dad said and laughed.

"Ronald.If they do just walk away and ignore." Professor Hanes said earnestly.

"C'mon Ron let's go see what these first years are like."

I hastily turned away when they turned round and judged Scorpius's jinx and Albus's shield charm.

I glanced over to my dad and uncle , who were going around the students observing their jinxes and chatting to each other.Talia from Hufflepuff was asking my dad questions and my uncle was talking to Jamene.

After swapping with Scorpius and practicing the knockback jinx and then doing the shield charm , my dad and uncle had finally got to us.

"Rosieeee!" My dad said jubilantly.

After a quick hug I said hello to my uncle and then we showed them our duel.

"Come join us at the Auror department you three." My uncle said.

"So how is it?" Scorpius asked.

"Only about jinxes and hexes Mr Malfoy." My dad said jokingly. "Haha only kidding.It is a chaotic madhouse!"

"Oh sounds fun." Scorpius said sarcastically.

"You are nothing like your dad.Except from the hair." My uncle said and observed Scorpius intently.Scorpius stared down to the floor awkwardly and I tried to change the subject.

"If it's really chaotic shouldn't you be there instead of helping here?"

"Ah well we are recruiting people for Harold's Army - the Harold is made by merging Harry and Ronald.Professor Mcgonagall said the ministry will need all the help but obviously we won't be taking you first years --"

"What! That isn't fair I want to be in it!" I said indignantly.

"We are going to the seventh years next and will hopefully get some volunteers." My dad explained."You are too young Rose." He added and pulled me into a hug.

"Fine." I said as polite as I could.

"We better get going Ron." My uncle said and they began to head to the door.

"Hold up!" Professor Hanes shouted after them."I think the class would like to see you duel." He suggested.Then cheers erupted from the students and I followed.My dad and uncle agreed reluctantly and they headed over into the space made by the class.A buzz filled me; I had never seen my uncle and dad duel and was very excited.

They positioned themselves opposite each other and had their arms outstretched , their wands in hand.

The whole class was watching intently.

"3..2..1 Duel!" Professor Hanes shouted feverishly.

There was a flash of different glowing colors and none of them were speaking.Blocking and casting repetitively until there was only one standing , my dad.My dad done a childish jump in the air and helped my uncle up.

I rushed over to my dad and gave my dad a hug and congratulated him.

Meanwhile the class departed the room and went to the next lesson.

"Great duel Ronald." Professor Hanes said and shook my dad's hand.

My uncle gave me a hug and one to Albus and left.

After Professor Hanes and my dad finished their conversation , my dad said goodbye to me , Albus and Scorpius and left.

As we walked to next lesson we were discussing how awesome it would be to be in an army.

When we got to next lesson we revised a few charms and then lunch came and we went to the hall.

Marvellously made food laid in front of me and I took a variety of different dishes and ate until I was full.Then Professor Mcgonagall done a speech:

"Just a few notices.We will be returning to Hogwarts in two days.The train is leaving Kings Cross Station at 11pm.Also we would like to introduce you to Harold's army.They will be assisting the Auror department.They are all seventh years."

About twenty seventh years strode in then shortly followed by my uncle and dad.Then they went to the front and stood beaming at everyone.

"We apologise that some people would want to be in the army as well but you are too young.Any more seventh years that wish to apply come see me , Mr Weasley or Professor Mcgonagall." My uncle explained.They left the hall and left many people talking about what had just happened.Maybe if I was seventh year I would join but I doubted my dad would let me.Luckily we would be returning to Hogwarts soon and that means we can carry on with the duelling club.

Harold.I like that name.

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