Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four - Persuading The Parents

Everyone took a great big sigh of relief.

Disorientated, I got up and stumbled a bit before getting my balance.

"Rose Rose!" My mum said and flung her arms around me.After the quick embrace we made sure everyone was alright.

We walked out of the Forbidden Forest and luckily the battle had not started.

We went over to the crowds of students and teachers.Madam Pomfrey was setting up a small station for anyone who gets injured.I wanted to pretend death was not a consequence of duelling with Death Eaters.

"Rose and Albus you need to stay inside where it is safe." My uncle said.

"No." Albus retorted.

"Yes you will." My aunt said.

"Listen, Voldemort wants to get to me, Harry and Ron and he doesn't care how many he kills on the way." My mum said and placed her hands on my shoulders."I don't want you hurt and you too Albus.You are only eleven!"

I looked at my mum and smiled.

"I want to help.If I die at least I die trying." I said.

"No! Don't say that." My mum cried.

"I am going to fight.If I don't all my working in the duelling club'll go to waste."

"Ron please help me here."

My dad turned to my mum and they started talking, meanwhile my aunt and uncle were talking in a serious tone to Albus.

"Okay we have reached out verdict.You can stay with us when we fight.Literally next to us." My dad said."Don't think about being all heroic either Rosie."

"Haha.It'll be you being the hero Dad.Is Albus allowed to fight?"

"Yes.He has to stay with us though." My aunt said.

"So how close exactly do I have to be to you?" I asked my parents.

"Well on my back." My dad said.

"You are going to piggyback me all through the battle?" I asked.Something was quite humorous about it.

"Yes." My mum said.It was distinct that she was sceptical about it all.

I laughed at the idea.

The next few minutes were preparation for the battle.We were positioned near the entrance of the school.All of the army were there.Everyone had a place to be; the Aurors were at the front and the teachers, the students behind.Though some teachers were near other entrances to the school just in case.

I was being piggybacked by my dad and I had my wand aloft.

I was ready to fight.



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