Chapter Two

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Sorry if my sort of impression of Hagrid is bad.I used the books to get a sense of how he talks.

Sorry for any typos.I will read through it and correct the mistakes soon when I have time.

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Chapter Two - Rubeus Hagrid

"Yeh must' be Rose Weasley.Red 'air and freckles." Hagrid said.A grin filled his face and he then turned to look at Albus."Albus! Harry told me bout you." He patted Albus on the back.I was so happy to see him and with excitement running through me I began to ask him lots of questions.

"How come you weren't taking the first years from the train to Hogwarts?" I remember asking him.

"O had some important Hogwarts stuff to do." He explained.

"What?" Albus asked curiously.

"That will remain a secret." He said sternly."I better get goin'."

He walked out of the entrance hall and glanced back to wave at us and we waved back.His long shaggy beard swinging as he plodded along.

"I wonder what he was doing." Albus said , still curious.

"I don't think he wants us knowing." I said as Albus nodded.

We carried on devour move food , it was our first feast and I wanted to enjoy and try as much as I could.

The feast came to an end and the prefects lead us to the common room.I was taking in everything I saw.Everything was so intriguing; especially the moving pictures.I have grown up in the wizarding world but I do have a muggle mother.Everything in the wizarding world was bizarre and magical.I didn't know anything else but the Grangely ( where I lived - it is a merge between my Mum's surname , Granger and my Dad's , Weasley )

was sort of half muggle and half wizard.We had the telephone , that my Dad still can't work very well , and many magical things.

When we got to the moving staircases , it added on to the excitement that filled me.It was sort of a mini adventure , getting to the common room.That's if the stairs moved , if not it wasn't really at all.Everyone came to a halt in front of a portrait.The portrait wasn't the Fat Lady , that when my parents were at Hogwarts was there and guarding the common room , it was Dumbledore.

Gasps came from nearly everyone and people began whispering 'that's Albus Dumbledore' 'most powerful wizard'.

"The password is PiddlyDid , okay everyone.PiddlyDid." The prefect explained and then said the password to Dumbledore.Dumbledore's skin was glowing like his silver beard , he looked better than ever.The portrait hole swung open and we all clambered in.

"Welcome to the Gryffindor common room.The girls dormitories are over there and the boys over there.Your stuff has already been brought up already." The prefect said and everyone rushed up the stairs to their allocated dormitories.I was the last to go up as I bided my goodbyes to Albus and Zak.

Me and Aphina climbed the spiral staircase together and entered the girls dormitories.Several four poster beds were there hung with deep-red velvet curtains.

Everyone was already immediately unpacking and looking around at everything excitedly , some also testing out the comfiness of the beds.

Aphina bustled over to a bed and sunk into it.I went over the bed next to her and admired the view outside the window.

I felt so lucky and happy to be here.I began unpacking my things , like everyone else and chatted to Aphina about Hogwarts until we both drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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