Chapter Seven

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At the house there is lots of muggle stuff because Hermione is a muggle.

Sorry that this chapter is really dull and boring & very badly written.

Chapter Seven - Home

My parents and I exited the forest to find many bodies lying on the ground.

The majority were clearly death eaters but I spotted one teacher.Many people were scattered around the edges of the deceased people , bandaging their wounds.

As soon as I saw Zak and Pix , I bolted towards them.My parents had walked over to Professor Mcgonagall.

"Rose!" Pix said happily."What happened? Apparently you went after Voldemort."

"I -- I just -- Oh I don't really want to talk about it.Is Albus okay?"

I attempted to immediately change the subject.

"He is recovering.We came outside cos' we heard lots of explosions.All the sixth years and seventh came out here and tried to help - very heroic.We stayed up near the castle and helped some of the injured people.What happened in the forest?" Zak explained.

I really didn't want to talk about it but they weren't going to stop bugging me.

"My dad was going to kill him but Voldemort disapparated." I told them as little as I could.

Revisiting those events in my mind made me fill with more anger.

"It's so cool your dad is an Auror.My mum is a retired Quidditch player.She doesn't do anything now.My dad is a muggle and owns a cafe in London." Pix said and glanced over to my dad.I turned around and saw my parents helping the injured.

"My uncle is an Auror too.I would love to be one.My mum works at the ministry as well.What does your parents do Zak?"

I was so glad the conversation had changed and wasn't about Voldemort.

"My dad does something for Gringott's and my mum works with Pix's Dad.How we met actually." He said cheerily and smiled at Pix.

"Got any siblings?" Pix asked.

"Oh just a brother.What about you?"

"Older brother in sixth year called Cameron and a younger sister who is coming here next year called Marissa."

I didn't talk to them for much longer.

I gazed around and saw Jamene , who was a first year in my house , he had his arms around his knees and he was staring fixedly into space.I hadn't talked to him before.I carried on searching the area for anyone else I knew.

I squinted and could see Scorpius near by the castle with Naz.

I left Pix and Zak and dashed up to them.When Scorpius saw me he grinned.

"I was worried about." He said.

"I am fine." I said calmly.

He was worrying about me , that's sweet.

"Can't believe what has happened." Naz said.I nodded.

"Why did you--"

"I don't want to talk about."

During the next few days there was no 'Voldemort Activity' and Albus was out of hospital.

My parents stayed to help clear up and they assisted the teachers in putting some sort of shield charm around the whole school area.

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