Chapter Eight

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Another boring chapter sorry.

I will try make the next one extra long.

Chapter Eight - London

Though much of my holiday was spent preparing stuff for Christmas , I did get much time to go into London; I love London.

Albus , my uncle and auntie stayed at our house for a long time.

Surprisingly there was nothing odd happening and no Voldemort or his supporters.

On one Tuesday we all went into London.

We were all dressed in jeans and jackets or sweaters.

We were sitting outside a cafe with I've creams in our hand.We all had a range of different flavors:Albus - Vanilla , Uncle - Toffee , Auntie - Raspberry , Mum - White Chocolate , Dad - Butterscotch and I had Mint Chocolate.It was a reasonably sunny day for the middle of December.The weather pattern has been quite peculiar his year.

My parents were talking to Albus's parents and I was just watching the crowds of people walk pass , secretly listening to their conversations.

I remember one conversion:

"Helena! Stop acting suspicious!"

"I'm sorry Stephen but it is on my conscience."

"You don't want to be caught! 20 years in prison , no thanks."

Then Helena began to cry.

I am uncertain as to why I remember that conversation.I kept wondering what they had done , it must of been bad if it would result in a sentence of 20 years.

Anyways..That was not why I am telling you about this day.

Whilst I was enjoying my ice cream I heard someone shouting my name.

I looked in every direction to try and see who was shouting it.The shouts became louder and louder.Then Scorpius appeared in front of me.

"Did you hear me shouting?" He asked , taking a seat nearby me.I nodded.It must of been a coincidence that we were in London on the same day.

"What's brings you to London?" I asked as I wiped my hands with a napkin.

His mouth opened to say something but no words came out.He had turned to look behind me and I turned and saw his parents walking towards us.

"Scorpius we have been looking everywhere for you!" His mum cried.She sat down next to him and then his dad did too.

"I wanted to come speak to Rose." Scorpius said indignantly.

My parents had made their way over to is with their chairs and plonked them down and sat on them , grins on their faces.

"Long time no see Malfoy." My dad said.

"Oh weasel we saw each other last week." Malfoy replied.

"Oh yeah ha." My dad said nervously.

"How have you been?" My mum asked , trying to be civil.

"Fine me and Astoria have been fine.Though Scorpius has decided to run off to you lot." Malfoy replied.

"He wanted to speak to us and then you interrupted!" I said , annoyed.

"There is something called owls." Malfoy snapped and he took Astoria by the hand and walked away."Meet us at Piccadilly Circus 6pm!"

"So what brings you to London?" My auntie asked Scorpius.

"Somewhere new I guess.Did I dress muggle-like?"

I observed what he was wearing and nodded.

"We are going to er get some cakes.Be right back." My dad said and he , My auntie and uncle and my mum left back into the cafe.

"Hi Albus." Scorpius said politely.I actually forgot Albus was there; he had been really quiet.

"Oh hi." Albus said unenthusiastically.

Scorpius turned towards me and smiled , he leaned in closer towards me.

And closer...

I could feel his breath against my cheek.

What was he doing?

He was about a centimetre from my ear and he whispered "I like you Rose.I really like you."

I began to blush badly and I couldn't get a wide grin off my face.Scorpius sat back down.I then heard the loud footsteps of my parents coming towards us.I mouthed 'I really like you' to Scorpius and he grinned.

I spent the rest of my trip in London with Scorpius until he had to go.

It had to be one of the best days I had had in a long time.

Though when I got home the jubilance inside of me vanished.

Voldemort was back.

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