Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine - The Duelling Club

Our house had been destroyed and the dark mark was in the sky above it.I was so outraged , like my parents.
I don't want to go into detail about that.

Christmas came and went and finally we could go back to Hogwarts.It was January 5th when we went back to be precise.
When the feast was over I had a long discussion with Dumbledore.A few people from portraits jointed in as well.
He gave me some good advice and suggested that we should start a duelling club.
I had luckily got my wand back , it got left outside my destroyed house along with Aphina's and a note saying 'Have fun'.
I told Albus and Scorpius about it and they thought it was a great idea.
So the next day we spoke to Professor Mcgonagall and she agreed.Professor Hanes would have to supervise it but we could run it.Any extra ways we could help protect ourselves against Voldemort she wanted.
Over the next few days we tried to recruit many people and placed lots of notices about it around the school.
I requested that my Dad should come in but he was unfortunately busy.
I was quite shocked how many people were avid towards our club.
On a Saturday night I , Albus , Scorpius and Professor Hanes were waiting in the great hall for students to come.For a few minutes I thought no one was going to come but then the door got pushed open and crowds of people came rushing in.We got them to sit on the floor and then a two teachers joined us: Professor Longbottom and Professor Flitwick.
It was quite nerve-racking having so many peoples eyes focused on you but I was so determined to make this club a success.
It reminded me of Dumbledore's Army that my parents and uncle had set up in their fifth year.I plucked up the confidence I had left and began.
"Er well welcome to the duelling club.Today we will firstly be practising the simple disarming spell which is good for the duelling circumstance.If you get into pairs and practise and yeah." I said nervously.Everyone began to disperse into pairs and shouts of 'expelliarmus' filled the room.
"Nice speech." Professor Hanes said and began to walk around the students.
Wands were flying about the place , one hit Professor Longbottom in the face.
After about 10 minutes Albus stopped everyone and done a small speech.
"Some of you are only first years like me but if Voldemort is coming back you need to practise these in duelling situations.we should be learning these spells.I don't want you all to practise stupefy on each other , it won't be much fun.Anyone who wants to have a practise at duelling come stand here and we'll get a table."
Nearly everyone moved behind us and Professor Hanes summoned the table into the middle.
"Zak and Pix first." Scorpius said happily.Pix skipped over and got up onto the table , shortly followed by Zak who went to the opposite end.The crowds of students gathered around and watched intently.
"3..2..1 duel!" Professor Longbottom shouted.
"Expelliarmus!" Zak shouted and Pix's wand flew across the great hall.Zak sniggered as he stepped down.
"Short and sweet." Albus said.
Pix looked quite embarrassed and stepped down to join the crowd , retrieving her wand from the floor.
"Who next?" Professor Hanes asked looking down at the students , who's hand immediately shot up."James and Frank."
They walked up to the table and stepped onto it.Albus's eyes were fixed intently on his brother.
"3..2..1 duel!"
"Stupefy!" James shouted and Frank flung backwards.Many people cheered and then helped Frank up.
"Anyone else...I think Rose and Albus." Professor Hanes said and he glared down at us.
Everyone began cheering 'Rose and Albus' when we had agreed.
As I stepped on to the table a buzz filled me.I didn't know if I was going to win but I thought it was so much fun.
I had my wand in my hand and was debating in my head which spell to use.
Before I could decide Professor Longbottom was counting down.
"Expelliarmus!" Albus bellowed.
I yelled in unison with him and then scarlet light came out my wand and it clashed his scarlet light.My wand was shaking and it felt as though it was sucking all my strength out.My light was now small and his light was approaching my wand.I gave all my strength left and vigorously tried to push the spell back.I could see my light moving up the beam and hope filled me.Then in another few seconds the light had disappeared and Albus was on the table.I walked over and poked him with my wand and whispered 'Albus Albus' and his eyes flickered open.Then a furore bursted out among the students.
I pulled Albus off the table and we walked down together.
"Quite some dueling there!" Professor Flitwick said joyfully.
"Eh Fortis you against Filius." Professor Longbottom which was followed by cheers.
"Yes of course!"
They stepped up onto the table and I watched them closely.
"3..2..1 Duel!"
There was shots of light coming from both wands but they were defending them with ease.I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the loud cheers.
After about 30 seconds Professor Hanes was on the floor , rubbing his head.
"Flitwick woo!" I cheered.He walked over to us , dignified.
"I think that went very well!" He said pompously and strode off to help Professor Hanes.
"How come the defence against the dark arts teacher is loosing against the charms? Surely he would be better." Scorpius said.
"But Flitwick knows lots of good charms and he was a really good dueller in his youth according to my parents." Albus explained and I nodded in agreement.
"Think you better head to bed now , it's already 10pm.Same time next week." Professor Longbottom said.

The next day many people were chatting about the dueling club and many people were thanking us for doing it.I had I spend most of the next day doing homework but luckily got to visit Hagrid and tell him all about it.
I was completely oblivious at one point that Voldemort was still out there.
I soon remembered as we walked back up to the castle.It made me think about awful things.
Mainly that I had lost my best friend.

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