Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight - The Final Duel

"Oh but now you are an Auror you must be very good at duelling." Voldemort said, his red, malevolent eyes a glaring at my uncle. "So lets duel! Imperio!"

Voldemort pointed his wand up and my uncle was forced to stand.

There was a burning desire to help but I was eleven and useless against a dark wizard.

"Lets duel!" Voldemort shouted happily.



Voldemort dodged the spell but it hit my uncle.

It felt like it hit me as I watched my uncle fall to the ground.The pain consumed his strength and determination.Lots of Death Eaters began laughing but Voldemort silenced them.

"Not much of an Auror Harry.Your just a failure like everyone in your family."

The anger and fear built up inside of me."I will just kill you-"

"No!" I shouted and rushed out in front of my uncle.My uncle grabbed my arm but I shook it off.My hand with the wand in was trembling.

"Come to save the day.Ah how heroic! Another one will die tonight."

"Stupefy!" I cried.I wasn't quick enough and Voldemort blocked it.

"Kiddie spells." He laughed.

The fear was devouring my strength and determination.

I thought of Aphina and my cat.All the people Voldemort had killed or tortured.I would have another uncle, Fred.Death Eaters have killed many and the blame lies with Voldemort.I was gaining more determination but more fear as well.

I had thought of doing spells without speaking but it was advance.I tried to focus and think of the spell:

Avada Kedavra

Avada Kedavra

Avada Kedavra.

Blinding green light darted out of my wand and hurtled towards Voldemort.

He was too slow and it hit him.The Death Eaters gasped as Voldemort fell slowly to the ground.

"YOU KILLED OUR MASTER!" Bellatrix Jr bellowed.She had her wand out instantly and was approaching me.


"Crucio!" My uncle shouted.The curse hit her and she screamed in pain."Hurts doesn't it."

My uncle was now standing and he walked over to Bellatrix.He grabbed a weed from the floor and muttered "Portus.You will go to the ministry and tell them what has happened then you will be sent to Azkaban."

"No way." She spat.


Bellatrix picked up the weed and was gone.

The Death Eaters were scarpering but my parents had ran in, followed by the teachers.I looked at Voldemort's body.It made me feel sick but happy at the same time.

He was gone.

I walked over to him.

His facial expression was scared and his eyes were glinting under the moonlight.

Last chapter next!

It'll be long.


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