Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine - The Last Day.

"Rose!" It was the familiar voices of my parents who seemed to be wearing out my name.I just wanted a hug from them that would make me feel better.

I explained everything that had happened and they listened intently.My mum was at tears at the end and my dad on the verge of crying.

"I'm sorry for running off.I just- he couldn't die! Uncle Harry is kind and brave.He didn't deserve to die." I said and began crying.My mum wrapped her arms around me and passed me a handkerchief.

"Don't apologize.You saved his life and you killed Voldemort!" My dad said.

"I killed another person!" I cried.

At that moment my uncle came over with Albus and my auntie.

Immediately my uncle hugged me and thanked me.

"I can't believe what you did.Some people think it's impossible to do an unforgivable curse non-verbally.You must of really wanted to cause pain." He was still dumbfounded at my actions the next day.

Every student that was still at Hogwarts, every teacher and Auror helped reconstruct the school.It took about a month but we could still stay there as the dormitories were untouched.Food was brought to the common room because a giant - a maniac giant - got his club and destroyed all of the Great Hall.

Scorpius woke up two days after the battle and I knew I would have to recount the events again.

Finally on the last day the school was back in its magnificent form.My parents and Albus's parents had to leave back to ministry along with the two Aurors that helped.

We had our last feast in the Great Hall.Everyone sat in different places and the Frog Choir sang songs all the feast until Professor Mcgonagall spoke.

"The house cup will sadly not be awarded this year due to the recent events.I and all of the teachers would like to thank you for your help in the battle.Harry and Ronald are very proud of you.Have a good summer and Hogwarts will be here to welcome you back in September."

The desert appeared and I picked some profiteroles and ice cream.

"You never did get to come to my house." Scorpius said.

"Oh yeah.Maybe next year." I said.

"If Voldemort doesn't come back again." Albus said.

"Well we have our pro at the killing curse to save us." Scorpius said.

As we boarded the train to leave Hogwarts I just had racing thoughts about what my first year has been like.

I never thought it would be as eventful as my parents' first year.

The scarlet steam train billowed out smoke and began to leave.Hagrid waved enthusiastically and grinned, we done the same.

I couldn't help feeling a little upset that I was leaving Hogwarts but it did bring the memories back of Voldemort and Aphina.I still missed her.I still miss her now.I slumped back in my seat and looked at Albus, Scorpius and Naz.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I said.

"We're seeing each other tomorrow." Albus said.

"Well it was more aimed at these two." I said.

Albus laughed.

Not long after boarding the train the food trolley came to the compartment.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

I decided to get a load of chocolate frogs.

I opened the first one, chomped on the chocolate frog and then looked to see what card if got.

"Haha it's your dad." I said happily."The first and only known wizard to survive the Killing Curse, earning the title "The Boy Who Lived." Youngest Quidditch player in the last century after gaining the spot of Seeker in the Gryffindor Quidditch Team in his first year at Hogwarts in 1991. Also known for having found Salazar Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets and defeating the monster within, which was a basilisk, in his second year at Hogwarts. Only known Gryffindor student able to speak Parseltongue. Youngest competitor of the Triwizard Tournament and winner of said Tournament at the age of 14 in 1995. The last master of death for having gained true possession of all three Deathly Hallows. Most famous for the defeat of the most dangerous dark wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort, in 1998 and his work and revolutionisation of the Ministry of Magic."

"I want one of them.Maybe I will write a book." Albus said."Nah too much work."

I laughed at the idea of him writing a book.

"It'll probably be entitled Albus's Adventures and then all there is is you eating or something." I said and giggled.

After opening my other chocolate frogs which had the cards of: Gringot, Herpo the Foul and Rowena Ravenclaw.I stowed them in my jean pocket and looked out of the window to see the miles of green land, stretching as far as the eye could see.

I had been fantasizing about being an Auror and saving people.

I shook the thoughts out of my head.

There could be another dark wizard out there and I might die next year.

Every second counted.Every moment.Every sign of affection from your family or friends.

But right now that didn't matter.

I was happy and nothing could change that.

I really didn't know how to end this.

Sorry if it's too long or too short.

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