Chapter Five

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Chapter Five - Lord Voldemort

"I knew it." Albus exclaimed.

"Jennifer White! What do you think your doing?" Professor Mcgonagall asked angrily.

Why did the death eater say 'Voldemort is waiting'?

Jennifer had the man's hand in hers.

"Going to see my master." Jennifer shouted and there was a crack and they had disapparated.

"She is too young to disapparate! You can't disapparate in the school grounds! What is happening?" Professor Mcgonagall Cried.She looked so confused.

The dementors and death eaters had vanished as well.

"What just happened?" Aphina said , completely baffled.

"So Voldemort is alive?" Albus asked.

"I guess so." I said gloomily.

"Students back to the castle now!"

Professor Hanes yelled and ushered everyone to come down.

Everyone departed the pitch , whispering about the previous events.

Most people were very confused; their face expressions resembled this.

Though some expected Voldemort to be alive and something like this to happen because of what had happened on our second day.

Back in the common room , Aphina , Albus and I sat down and discussed what had just happened.

For about 2 minutes we didn't talk , we were just thinking.Then , strangely , we all simultaneously reached for pack of cards that was on the table.

Then there was a whoosh of shapes and the strange sensation that I was spinning occurred inside of me.More spinning.More shapes swirling.


I landed badly on solid concrete , the pack of cards clasped in my hands.Dazed , I looked around and saw Albus and Aphina lying on the floor.As I observed my surroundings , a thought hit me.

This pack of cards must a portkey.

Why is Albus's cards a portkey though?

There was a small shack about 10 metres in front of me.

The area was surrounded by miles of field.The sky was dull and a dark ominous blue.No one appeared to be around.

I began to feel very worried and frightened.Where was I? Was Albus and Aphina dead?

Albus began to groan , he was awake.He wasn't dead!

I shuffled over to him and he looked up at me.

"Where -- are we?" He said and looked down at Aphina , a worried look diffused across his pale face.

"I don't know Albus.The cards was a portkey.Should we go and--."

I was interrupted by the creak of a door.I immediately turned around and Jennifer was striding towards us.

"Oh I think my plan has worked." She said defiantly.

"Go away." I snapped.

"Well I think you should be told the truth.Follow." She said and strode off back towards the shack.I was about to follow her but someone grabbed my hand.I turned my head and it was Aphina.

"I am coming with you." She said and smiled.

"Me too." Albus said and attempted to get up.I assisted him and then realised his arm was bleeding badly.

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