Chapter Twelve

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26 for the next chapter??????
Sorry this chapter is really dull.

Chapter Twelve - Recovery

The next thing I knew I was laying in a hospital bed at St Mungo's.
The unbearable pain I had experienced I was no more feeling.
My left arm was very numb and I felt very cold despite having a blanket over me.I was staring at the ceiling and feeling quite bizarre.I knew what had happened but everything after that was a blur. I sat up in my bed and looked around the room.
There was a young boy pacing the room restlessly.
A plump woman was laying in a bed beside me , asleep.
There was also a healer making a bed nearby me.
I then turned and looked at my beside table which , to my surprise , had many large gift baskets on.
I lifted one of them and placed it on my lap.
There was a gift tag saying:
Rose ,
Hope you enjoy these cauldron cakes and pumpkin pasties.
Oh and there is a chocolate frog card of your dad and one of your mum.
I opened the gift basket and a spark of excitement filled me when I saw my parents on the chocolate frog cards.
As I propped the cards on my water jug I heard someone calling my name.
"Rose!" I heard my mum's voice.
I turned around and saw my parents rushing towards me.
My mum flung her arms around me but I tried to push her back.
After a hug from my parents they sat down beside me.
"Do you remember what happened?" My dad asked me earnestly.
"Well I heard someone shout the killing curse and then I blacked out.Who did it hit?"
My parents exchanged unsure looks and then turned to me.
"You shouted that Rose.You killed a death eater." My mum said.
"I-- I kil--led someone." I stammered.My parents nodded.Shock consumed me and I wanted to cry."Will I get sent to az--ka azkaban?"
"No! You killed a death eater.One of them.You won't be sent there! It's fine." My mum said and grabbed my hand.
I sighed in relief and handed my chocolate frog cards to my parents.
"Your lucky you have your own cards; it is so cool."
My dad laughed and observed the card.
"Maybe you'll have your own one in the future." He said and propped it back on my water jug.
"Do you know how he came back?" I asked curiously.
"Wish I did." My dad said glumly.There was a few minutes silence and then my mum said "So are you okay? I can't believe what that death eater done.He is dead now so he won't be doing that again."
"My left arm is really numb but I am alright.How long was I out for?"
"3 days."
"Has Albus or Scorpius been here?"
"Yes they have been twice.They are coming again in an hour."

My parents left shortly after.They had to go to the ministry urgently; everything was very hectic there.
A healer came over and explained about my arm:
"It is broken but it will heal in a few weeks.My muggle friend , Cassandra , gave me a drug that helps the pain so it will feel numb.You are part muggle so your parents said it would be fine."

She was very polite and told me about her childhood.
Her name was Nevie and she was a half-blood.
She attended Beauxbatons but she isn't French.

We talked until Albus and Scorpius arrived along with Pix and Zak.
Nevie left and my friends positioned themselves around my bed.
Albus spoke first.
"Rose are you okay? I can't believe what has happened!"
"Yeah it's awful."
"Evil death eaters."
"I'm fine guys! Just got a broken arm." I said calmly and attempted to lift my bandaged arm.
"How long are you going to be in here?" "How did it feel?"
"I don't know." I paused."The pain was unbearable."
They didn't speak for a while and then they bursted out with questions.
"Did you know you were conjuring the killing curse?" Scorpius asked.
"Do you think we will go back to school?" Zak asked.
"How are your parents?" Albus asked.
"How did they know you were there? Pix asked.They all looked at me blankly.
"I don't know.I don't know.They are okay I think.I don't know." I said and sighed.I was fed up of the questions now and I think they realized that.
"Me and Pix have to go now." Zak said and they hastily left the room.
"I see you got my gift basket." Scorpius said gleefully.
"Oh I haven't actually opened it yet." I said and lifted it off the table and started to open it.Albus glanced down at his watch and looked quite unsettled.
"C'mon open it!" Scorpius beseeched.
"Hold on! This ribbon is very tangly."
Finally unravelling the basket I gasped in surprise at what was inside: a letter and a box of chocolates.
Dear Rose ,
I hope you will recover and everything will be alright.
You are a great friend and you are so brave and strong.
All my love ,
My heart swelled and I let an 'awww' escaped my lips.Albus looked up at me in confusion but Scorpius smiled.
"That's really sweet Scorpius , thank you." I said and placed the letter back in the basket.
After placing the basket back on the table I talked to Albus and Scorpius for a long time.After about an hour they had to leave and I was by myself.Nevie was helping another patient.The sound of the rain colliding into the window filled my ears along with the chatters of the healers and patients.
I sighed and began thinking about what my first year at Hogwarts has been like.When I first got told about Hogwarts and my parents time at it , I never believed it would be as eventful.I always had queries about Voldemort and some suspicions he would come back but never did I expect this to happen.I shuddered at the thought of him.

Subsequently , my arm did heal over the next few weeks.
Finally I left hospital after being in there for just over a week.
Hoping that I would never ever have to suffer from the cruciatus curse again.

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