Female! Len x Male! Reader : switching body for a day

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One shot #13
This one shot is Requested by  silver_kin

This story contains a male and a female switching bodies... Um.. So... Skip this one shot if you're disturb by the content (•ө•)♡



Your POV

I woke up because of someone opened the window letting the sun shines trough the window.  I heard someone opened the curtains and shakes my body.  "huh? " I groan and opened my eyes. 

"LEN!!  HURRY UP WAKE......  Well, you're awake.  That's rare for you.  Oh well...  Cmon get ready to school!! " said a girl that was opening the curtains earlier.

She have blonde short hair and a pair of electric blue eyes.  She looks like in the same age as I am.  A big white bow was on the top of his head with some hairclips. She's a cute girl.

"who are you? " I ask.

"Len,  its not a good time for a morning joke.  I'm your twin and older sister Rin.  And get ready for school or we're gonna be late" the girl closed the door and leaving me alone.

"who's Len? I don't have any twin sister?  Wait..... " I just realized that you were in a strange room full of banana stuff.  "where am I????? "

I finally get up from the banana pattern bed and blankets gazing around the room.  And I find a small mirror in the desk besides the bed (that the desk also full of banana pattern and banana fruit)  I look into the mirror and see a boy with blonde hair and looks a like with the girl earlier if course with a pair of electric blue eyes. 

I were starting to sweat and reaching for my xxx (I don't know how to say it) and I felt something between your legs.  "MOMY!!!!!!!!!!!!! " I shout.

len's POV

was trying to go back to sleep when I feel something furry was in my nose.  I groan and shrug the furry thing out of my face.  "Meong!!!! " said the thing.

I slowly opened my eyes and found a grey furred cat was on my face purring. "what the fuck!!  How can you be in my bed??!! " I said while holding the cat.

The cat meow and purr in my hand.  I give it a disgusted look and put it on the floor.  I just realize my bed colours was not yellow with banana pattern.  It was (f/c) with white dots. I stare at the room I was in.  I gaze at the clock. 5 minutes to seven.  I. Am. Late. For. School.

I quickly stand up and opened the door finding a house corridor like other usual house.  I'm not in the vocaloid mansion. The door in the front of me opened revealing a little boy/girl that looks younger than me.  (your little brother / sister Kay.  If you don't have any pretend that you have) 

"one-san,  you're late for school you know" she/he said.

I was shocked and go back to the room and slam the door close.  I look at the mirror in the wardrobe. I have (h/l) (h/c) hair,  with a pair of (e/c) eyes,  and the worst thing is...  I have a Breast.

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