Len x Sick! Reader : Hospital Visits

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" who are you? " the beautiful (h/c) haired girl ask as she look at me with her glimmering (e/c) eyes.

"I.. Um.. I better go" I was about to step away from the bed when her hand holds my wrist.

"Don't go... " she said still looking towards me "It's quite lonely in this room, could you stay for a minute please..? "

I feel my heart start to beat so fast.  I swallow my saliva and faintly nodded,  taking a chair and seat by the white covered bed. The beautiful (h/c) haired girl smiled and release my wrist from her grasp.  She leans back to her bed and relaxed.

"what are you doing in this room anyway? " she ask the me the most avoidable question I need right now. 

"I- I saw the door opened, and was going to close the door but..  I- I got curious and look inside.. So,  here I am" how would I even say that I entered the room because accidentally see an angel sleeping beautifully in the white sheet bed?

"oh" she simply answered looking down at her hands on her lap.

"I'm sorry if I bothered your sleep.. " I apologized.

"no, it's fine.  Like I said,  I rarely got some new visitors anyway"

Then, the room fell to a long awkward silence between us. My eyes keep staring at everything on the room avoiding gazing at her although it's too difficult.  Her (h/c) hair look so soft, her (e/c) eyes was mesmerizing although it's a little sad like any other patient in the hospital,  her skin was quite pale but that didn't change the fact how beautiful she was. The sun light shone trough the wide opened window, lighting the white painted room. The silence was so long that I even think I could eat ten truck of bananas at the time. My phone buzz breaking the silence. I reach up for my phone in my pocket and see a message from Rin. 

"I.. I need to go right now.. "

"is that so? " she sounds quite sad about it "will you come again? "

I look up to see the beautiful girl face once again, awkwardly smile to her "my friend Miku eat too many leeks that she's here for a few days because if sick..  I'll come here too if you want" 

Her (e/c) eyes lighten up as a huge smile curved on her lips.  "really? You will?" I nodded in response "thank you so much! What's your name mister? "

I give her my a closed eye smile that usually makes fangirl screams "my names Len Kagamine, you can call me Len"

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), you can call me (y/n). Nice to meet you Len" she smile brightly to me,  and a faint blush appear on my cheek.


After our first meeting,  I start to visit her everytime I have a free time.  Although Miku now isn't sick anymore, I still visit (y/n) on the hospital. It's almost a month now since I started to visit her. Somehow, she always flutters me.  How she softly spoke,  how she smile,  and how she didn't know anything about the outside world.  I figured out she have a weak body and oftenly goes to hospitals. And lately her condition is getting worse and she needs more medical attention,  that's why she's staying in the hospital for quite long. She didn't even know I'm a member of the famous vocaloid, heck she didn't even know what vocaloid is. She really clueless about the outside world, and she's also really curious about it so I happily tells her what's the new things these days, starting for the famous of spinners,  slime and also how society is getting weirder by the day. (y/n) oftenly tells me that she wants to get out from the hospital as fast as possible and see the outside world and I usually laughs at her then comfort her. Everytime she talks about the outside world from the hospital,  her eyes glimmers that I can't help to be drown on her (e/c) eyes.  And without further more, I know I'm falling hard for this girl. (y/n) never mention about her sickness,  I guess she's a little sensitive about it.  I once asked her and she change the subject fastly,  I can't force her to tell me. So,  everyday we tell each other everything about us except her sickness of course.  I tell her about myself and the world and she tells me her story of being sick or her family. But oftenly,  she only want to hear me talk about things,  no matter how random it is she still hear me with those curious look that made me wants to hold her close to me. My friend is on the mansion also meet her sometimes and I gladly introduce them to each other. (y/n) was really happy meting all of us. I'm happy seeing her laughs and smile and it even makes me fall for her more and more. Rin was the first to notice my feelings and she decided to support me whatever happens next, actually everyone just support me.  So they sometimes give me special free times from idol work just to visit her on hospital. Now I also know the nurse that has been look after (y/n) for these past years. Her name was Haku and she's a nice woman, and (y/n) look at her as a mother figure.  As for (y/n)'s parents,  she told me that her parents is always working to pay for her hospital bills and rarely came.  She also doesn't have any close family and that's why she feels lonely in the hospital alone.  Further of all, I keep visiting her everyday as much as possible. After I met her,  my world has been more wonderful that u can't even describes with words.


I was just finishing a photo shoot and drinking water when Rin suddenly appear giving my phone to me.

"Len! There's a call for you from (y/n)'s hospital!"

My eyes widen when I heard that.  The hospital never calls me, how did they even know my number?  I answer the call and heard Haku on the other end of the phone.

"(y/n) wants to see you" she only needs to say that and I didn't even care to change my clothes and drive to the hospital.

Walking faster on the hallway, J head for (y/n)'s room in the third floor. What happen to her?  Is her health getting worse? Or even something more bad than that. J quicken my pace to the wooden door and slide the door open, founding the beautiful (h/c) haired girl sitting on her bed like usual looking at the window.  She notices my presence and look at me then smile.

"Len! " she called my name and I automatically rush towards her.

"are you okay?" I ask holding her hand tightly on her lap.

"I'm fine,  I.. I'm sorry for bothering you.  It's just I really misses you.. " she said with a blush appear on her cheek.

I chuckled and ruffle her hair "I'll turn down the world if it's for you (y/n)" and again her face flushed. 

With her red cheek, she turns towards me looking straight at my eyes.  "can.. Can you sing me a song? "

I was taken back for a moment,  she never asked me to sing for her.  His I smile and start singing fire flower and other songs until night time came.  I still hold her hand close to me as she lay on her bed smiling. She starts to yawn and I stop singing.

"go to sleep princess"

"Len.. " she said and yawn.


"I love you" she said making my butterflies on my stomach.

"I love you too (y/n), now sweet dreams" I said as I lean over to her to give her a peck on the forehead.

Suddenly,  I felt a pair of small hands cupped my cheek and pulled me to a sweet gentle kiss.  I was surprised for a moment but melt at the kiss anyway. It was soft and gentle, I cupped her face and tilting my head pressing my lips closer to her.  Because of lack of breath,  we pulled away. We start at each other eyes and I touch her forehead with mine.

"stay with me" she said before falling asleep.

"always" I said and kiss her forehead and sleep besides her while h OK ding her hands.

The next morning, I feel the small hand I hold was cold.  I slowly wake up and start to talk for her,  but she didn't answer.  I check her pulse and heartbeat and can't hear anything.  The next thing I remember I was screaming for the doctors and nurses as they push me away from the room. And then, a doctor came with a frown km his face.  My heart beat quicken as I prayed that the news isn't as I thought.

"I'm sorry but (y/n) (l/n) has died last night due to blood cancer"


I'm opening a Q and A right now.
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