Singer! Len x Novelist! Reader : Inspiration

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Third Person POV

The blonde haired male was sitting on the chair. The clock shows that it was 1 am in the morning. He runs his hand trough his hair as he growl in frustration.

"Just one song damn it! Tomorrow is the deadline"

He play with the yellow pen on his hand doodling random things on the notebook. Every seconds pass make him more frustrated. He needs to make a new song for the concert and tomorrow is his deadline. The blonde haired male takes a sip of his coffee as he started blankly to the white colored wall. No inspiration to make song.

For a idol like him, enough rest is an important thing. But, how can he rest when his deadline is tomorrow. And finnaly, he walk around his room trying to find just a little inspiration. Even a little. His eyes stared at every place on his room. And just that, he spotted a thick book on his bed. That's the book that his sister gave him earlier.

"You need to read this book! Its a masterpiece!" Rin said as she put the book on his bed.

Slowly, he reach for the book and gently open the first page. He read the synopsis 'romance book? Really?' He though to himself. He always wonder why do girls likes weird romances story that's really cheesy and sweet. And half of himself disgust by those cliches stories his sister always read. Giving up to himself, he open the first page of the book. He notice that the book is a simple book full of romance one shots. As he flips the the next page Finding the book title and the author's name.

Our feelings

By (y/n) (l/n)

Len gives a bored face just seeing the first page. He sighs and look at the clock. It shows him a quarter pass one. And by then, he started to read the book.


You sat there at your apartment drinking hot chocolate while watching the vocaloid concert at the TV. After your new book was released, you finnaly have time to relax. You were really glad that your book now is one of the best seller and anyone can find at any bookstore.

You watch as the vocaliods sings in the stage and how the crowds response. You smiled to yourself while your favorite sing came. rolling girl. You actually love that song despise that the song lyric was showing about bullying and stuff. Well, you actually love vocaloid. You loved how they sing various songs in every genre. Their voice was amazing and how they made you inspired on making stories. You smiled to yourself as the concert pass.

And then, its comes the new song that was just announced. You hear the blonde haired twin sings a song called 'butterfly on your right shoulder' and somehow it reminds you to one of your stories that you made. You shrug the feelings and somehow enjoys the rest of the concert in your couch.


"Congratulations on your new book (l/n)-San! I read your book and it was a really masterpiece!" One of the guests say.

You smiled to him and shake his hand "thank you for the compliment" you said back.

You are now at a party from one of the famous super star and also one of your best friend. You gladly accept his/her invitation and come to the party.

(a/N : I won't describe what you wear. You can think about it yourself)

Everyone was chatting and chatting while you just stand in the corner drinking lemon tea with a crosses arms. You didn't know anyone at this place accept a few of them. All people here is famous actor and actress. Sometimes your best friend glance at you and smiled . he/she told you to join but you just shake if off. You know that actress and a novelist is really different profession and it made you felt uneasy.

"H-hello, are you (y/n (l/n)?" You turn your gaze to your side to see two girls. One with a short blonde hair and the other one was a girl with a long teal hair tied in a twin tail. Both of them wearing a dress that makes them look cute and pretty. And somehow they look familiar to you.

"Yes I am. Is there any problem?" You ask.

Both of the girls glance at each other and nodded. They handed you two copy of your book as they bow down with a blush on their cheek.

"Please sign our book! We really really really love your book! I really love your romance stories it always touch my heart!" Said the teal haired girl.

You chuckled and pull out a black pen from your pocket. You open the healed haired girl book and ask for her name.

"I-its Hatsune Miku" said the girl while her eyes sparkling.

And then it hit you "you're the famous vocaloid! I love your songs!" You said as you sign the book. The teal haired girl smile to you and hug her book. You turn your gaze to the other blonde haired girl. "And you must be rin! Its a pleasure to meet you two" you hand her her book and smiled.

Both of the girl thanked you and they pull you to meet the other vocaloid 6 at the party. "Is this really okay?" You ask.

"I want you to meet my brother! My brother loves your book. You know his new song that just come out in the last concert? He got inspiration from your book!" Rin said while pulling you.

'So that's why the song felt a little familiar'

"That's him!" Rin pointed to a blonde haired male. His hair in a messy bangs and tied in a ponytail. His blue electric eyes met your (e/c) orbs. You felt your heart skip a beat while facing this shota boy.

"You must be (y/n (l/n), its nice to meet you" he smiled and give a hand to you.

You shake his hand and smiled back "nice to meet you to Len. I heard about your song from your sister. I'm really happy that my book can give you an inspiration for your song"

Len blushed "oh, well your book really interesting. No wonder it become a best seller" both of you stared at each other on silence. "Um, do you have someone in mind?" He ask.

You blush and answer "n-no" "can I have your number?" He ask. You blush more if that even possible and both of you exchange number.

Hi everyone!
I need you guys to request stories cause I have no inspiration what to write these days.
So please request! (∩_∩)

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