Rin's little sister! Reader x Len : Her little sister

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So I checked the screenshots on my phone gallery and found an old request from AkabaneTh
Sorry I just made this now ;-; I didn't remember you requested this a long time ago


Len's POV

I walk lazily to the vocaloid studio. Today was supposed to be my first day of no work in three months. And guess what? I get a text at three in the morning that today I need to practice for the sudden upcoming concert in three days.

As I walk in the studio, I see the others vocaloid are also look tired. Everyone was supposed to rest but forced to be here right now same as I am. But, its our job to give the fans our best performances so here we are practicing and simply talking about what we gonna do at the next concert.

I entered a big room where me and the other six main vocaloid usually practice together. The room was big with wooden floor and white painted walls. Miku is singing at the corner of the room. Luka practice her dances in the other corner of the room. Meiko is drunk again I think and kaito writing something on the paper he's holding.

I walk up to kaito who seems the safest person to ask what to do right now. You just can't disturb the other girls, they're scary!

"Kaito, what do I do?"

Kaito looked down at me. I hate it when he did that. It made me feel that I'm so short.

"For now, I just need you to know that you're going to do these songs on the concert" kaito hand me over some paper.

I gladly took it and read it. "One solo song, two duets with rin, and two other songs that all of us perform?"

"Yeah, you better practice your dance with rin while you can. You know how rin is with dance moves right?"

Yeah I know how she is. She can just change the chirography all she want without me knowing. It happens on the last three shows we did. And that's annoying. It's a relief I'm professional and can work up with rin.

Now talking about rin, where's she?

"Where's Rin?" I ask.

"She hasn't come yet?" Kaito ask me back.

"I think so" and at the moment I said that, the door burst up open.

The give of us stop wherever we did and look at the door. Rin standing with a nervous smile and catching her breath. She was sweating hard to make the floor flood with her sweat. A pretty girl with (h/c) (h/l) and blue eyes standing behind rin. And I can't stop staring at her. (cause you're rin's sister)

"Hi... Guys... Sorry I'm late.. I was just a little busy with my little sister for a bit and forgot to check my phone and the minute I read the text.. I ran here.." Rin said still catching her breath.

"Sit down Rin. You Need to catch your breath first" the girl with (h/c) hair gave rin a bottle of water.

Miku ran up to them "hi Rin! And hi (y/n), its been awhile!!" Miku greeted.

I look at kaito confused "(y/n)? Who's she?"

Kaito look at me with shock eyes. He observe my face for a few moments before answering "rin's little sister, how could you don't know? You're her partner right?"

I look at the girls. "Nope, I don't know"

"Well now you know. Just watch, you'll be surprised with them" kaito laughs and thick my forehead.


"Len! You're doing it wrong again!" Rin complain for the tenth time.

"I'm not wrong, you're just making random dances again!"

"Idiot!!" Rin yelled and she walk to her little sister with an angry look.

I sighs and sat down at the floor. Rin is always like that.. Never changes and never will. Annoying as hell. I observe rin and her sister talk. If you see it, (y/n) is more calmer than rin is. And she's pretty too. Why does rin never tell me that she have a sister.

So I decided to speak to them. I approach them and I get a glare from rin.


"Shut up! I just want to ask who's she" I laid my eyes on (y/n) who's staring back at me. She smiled and hold up her hand.

"I'm (y/n)/ Rin's little sister by a year. It's nice to meet you Len-kun. Rin really likes complaining about you at home. Thank you for looking after Rin all this time" she smiled and I smiled back shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too (y/n). I think I can imagine what you mean. And its not a problem. Your sister is wild but I can handle her perfectly fine"

"I can hear you two taking know that" rin interup "and stop holding hands you two! You're not allowed to touch (y/n) more than one second" rin smack my hand off making me more annoyed.

"Rin, that's rude you know!" (Y/n) complain to rin.

I'm surprised rin didn't talk back to her. Wow.. I think (y/n) is more suitable for an older sister than rin does. She's pretty too- I mean she doesn't look like rin too much. And she seems fun.

"Let's get back to practice!" Rim pulled me by my hand and drag me to practice again.

I glanced up at (y/n). She smiled at me making me blush.as me and rin practice again, I can help to steal glances at (y/n). She helped me and rin for a bit and always smiling. She's a perfect girl..

At the end of practice, I pulled rin down to sit by my side and ask.

"You mind if I get close to your sister?"

Rin first stare at me then nodded "whatever, she seems to like you too"


Sorry this one shot I'd also rushed.
Vote and comment please~
Thanks for reading!


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