Len x Reader : My Proposal Letter

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One shot #27
This one shot contain romance.. Skip this one shot if you're disturb by the content (•ө•)♡



Third Person POV

It was weekend. You were on your house watching anime for the day. This week has been rough to you. Your boyfriend for 4 years Yuuma break up with you because of a fight. You cried over a night and stayed at Len's place . Len is your best friend since high school and he always there for you. You were watching OHSHC when heard the bell rang.

'Ting tong, ting tong, ting- ting tong, ting tong'

You know that doorbell pattern. You lazyly walk up to the door and open it finding you other best friend standing in the front of your apartment.

"(Y/n), emergency! Kaito! Ice cream! And leeks!!" She yelled.

You quickly get the messenge and change your clothes and follow your blonde haired female friend with a pair of electric blue eyes with Orange fruit obsession.

You were pulled by Rin to the town park. She said that she was having a major problem with kaito eating his ice cream. And as a good friend you are, you follow her. You realized that rin was really excited. She always excited all the time. But this time she's more hyper than usual. As you two arrive at the park, she said to you to wait for her at a bench. And then she sprint away.

"What's with her?" You ask to yourself.

You yawn and Kean to the bench enjoying the peceful atmosphere. The winds blowing your strands of hair and you lightly chuckled.

"I guess Yuuma is not the right one for me" suddenly, a paper plane hit you. You hood the small paper plane and slowly open the folded paper.

I wrote down the memories of how I found you.
About what makes me gave all my heart to you.
Millions songs would never enough to describe your beauty.
And not a billions poems will describe how much I love you.

When all my love is gone,
Not a single piece left on this world.
Because I already gave all my love
Only for you

I always dreamed about my life without you
Can it be as beautiful as the life that i have now?
I always think about spending my old days with you
Your (h/l) hair is still beautiful even if it turn white

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