Basketball player! Len x Reader : Accident happen

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I'm writing this purely cause its happen with me, but the one who hit me is my dam cousin that's playing basket with my crush IRL -_-


The students stand in the edge of the basket field watching the boys playing basketball. Some is watching because love sport and basketball. And some others watching because their crush is playing there. Between the girls, stands a girl with (h/c) hair watching the game. She's one of the people that watch the game because her crush is playing there. Her eyes glued on a blonde haired male on the feild with blue eyes.

That's Kagamine Len. One of the most popular guy on school. He's cute, nice, good at singing and music. And he's also play basket but he's not good at others normal subject. But still, he have so many fans. You can look at the corner of the field that filled with girls with Len fan club shirts and merchandize. But gladly (y/n) know that those people on the fanclub are crazy as hell.

In the field, Len dribble the ball touch the feild and pass it to Luki and luki shoot and make a score. The girls squel. Len wipe his sweat with his shirt making the girls scream. Len himself look at the girls disgusted by them. (Y/n) blush as she saw Len look at her for a moment before back playing.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!" scream Len's twin from the school building.

Her loud voice making everyone look at (y/n). (Y/n) loook up at the third floor of the school and shout back.


You can look her huge grin even from the tenth floor. Rin smirk "MY BROTHER IS HOT, I KNOW!! YOU DONT NEED TO LOOK AT HIM LIKE THAT YOU KNOW!!"

(Y/n) swallow her saliva. Len fangirls giving (y/n) death glares. Some of them I'd walking to (y/n) with an angry face. Len himself trying to hold his blush from his sister words. Sure he doesn't like (y/n) more than friends but he can admit, (y/n) is pretty and not disgusting like those fangirls.

(Y/n) step back slowly from the fangirls. The fangirla start to chase her and (y/n) ran away. She didn't think where to run anymore as long as she can get away from the fangirls. She heard the fan girls still chasing her. (Y/n) run run and run until.


The basketball fall to ground and bounce a dew times until kaito catch the ball. (Y/n) fall to the ground with a red face and bloody nose. Everyone look at Len that accidentally hit her head. Len start to sweat more.

"LEN!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU HURT (Y/N)!!" Rin shout from the third floor with a face like a demon.


(Y/n) slowly open her eyes. Her head still hurt and her nose also hurt. She sat up and look around. She's in the infirmary, good she's not dead yet. She look around the place and see Len sitting by the bed.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you to woke up" he answer. (Y/n) blush and looked away.


"No need, its my fault for hitting you with the basketball earlier"

"What no no!" (Y/n) said "if you see it from the beginning, I was chased by your fan girls, and your fangirl chased me because your sister shout something embarrassing in public. Do its Rin's fault but i believe rin won't admit it"

Len stare at (y/n) for a moment and laughs "right, ok but still. I'm sorry for hitting you"

His laughs made her heart beat faster. She can thing her heart will explode in a few seconds. She can't hide her blush anymore. Len saw her red face and laugh more.

"Your face is red" he said making her curse yourself "but you look cute" (y/n) shock and look back at him.

"Did you just call me cute?" Len nodded and (y/n) hold her fangirling.

Don't do something that embarrassed yourself!!

"Say, (y/n) do you have a boyfriend?" The question made you look at him.confused.

"Um.. No, why?"

Len blush and look down searching his cheek "well, I just wondering do you want to go on a date with me this weekend. What do you say?"

(Y/n) smiled and answer "sure"

While on her mind she's screaming of happiness like a wild animal.


Idk this one shot is funny 😂
Thanks for reading dong forget to vote and comment!


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