Otaku! Len x Idol! Reader : Google+

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This one shot requested by : Sora_Wifu_of_ALL


Third Person's POV

Len takes some tissues and wipe his tears and snorts out. He's been crying because of watching a anime again for the million time.

"WHY DO KILLUA AND GON HAVE TO COME PARTED AWAY! They're best friends. Why is the world so cruel" he cried in the front of the computer screen just showing the final episode of Hunter x Hunter.

"LEN!  SHUT YOU MOUTH!  I'm trying to study here " yelled Rin from her room that is across from his.

"sorry,  it's just so sad...  And I..... Can't hold back the feels. God just don't know the long journey between these two buddies after 180+ episodes of their togetherness... Those beautiful memories......" Len hug his banana pillow. (that's what I feel when finish watching Hunter x Hunter T-T)

Len open his google+ social media and check his notification. Some people tag him in some comments and of course he's replying. He then open ther Hunter x Hunter community and post :

Banana "master " King
I just finish Hunter x Hunter guys. OMG I cried,  the feels. I felt like I have been in a long long journey.

With a picture of Gon and Killua together as friends is greed Island arc. Biscu are also there training the boys. Not a long time to wait some people like his post and some others comment. Then an account name Killua Zoldyck comment. And Len reply as usual.

Killua Zoldyck
+Banana King true.... I felt the same way ;-;

Banana "master" King
+Killua Zoldyck feels broh :v (while giving a the feels meme)

Killua Zoldyck
+Banana King do you have hangouts? We can chat more there (∩_∩)

Banana "Master" King
+Killua Zoldyck sure!!  I'll add you :3

~A few months later~

"len, stop staying on your phone. you need a life" Rin stated while drinking her orange juice.

"well,  I met this person on the internet and it turns out we have many things similar. So maybe we became a little close" He answered, plopping down besides his twin.

"yeah right,  be careful of the internet. Maybe the guy is a kidnapped" 

"I don't know,  and also 'he' is a girl. And she live in the same town as us. She said that she'll also go to the anime expo in our town tomorrow. So I'm planning to meet her" Len said happily.

"do you even know her face yet? " 

"well,  I promise her that I will cosplay as Akabane Karma from assassination classroom. Maybe she'll recognized me" answers Len.

"whatever"Rin rolled her eyes and look back to the TV, her eyes lighten up. " look!  The news said that they idol (y/n) is going to our town for a concert. I'll definitely buy her tickets for both of us" Said Rin excited.

"I only like her because she sang many anime songs" Len face palmed.

"go away len!  We're in a different world" Rin kicked len out of the living room.

~The next day~

Len has arrived at their anime expo of course with his Akabane Karma cosplay. And he decided to just stand in the front gate to wait for the girl that use the name Killua Zoldyck on internet to met him, and if she didn't come he'll just join the other cosplayer buying anime merchandise.

"she said that she'll be here at 11 am. And it's 11 am now" Len eyes search all the way to the crowd.

Then,  a certain person using a T-shirt and jeans also with mask and black sunglasses with a black cap approach him.

"hey you the one who cosplay as Akabane Karma! " The person called the voice was not cleared it was a girl or a boy.

"yeah what is it? " ask Len.

"Banana Master King" the person said.

Len eyes was sparkling "Killua Zoldyck!! "

"finally we met" she said smiling. "let's just go to a quit place where we can talk. I don't want anyone see me like this"

"you have a fever? " len ask

"well,  yeah... Kinda..... Just c'mon" she pulled len to a place where no one's there and that is the back of a public toilet.

They girl sighs and take of her glasses,  mask and cap. She smiled showing her (s/c) skin and (e/c) orbs,  her (h/l) (h/c) flowing with the wind.

"I believe you already know me Banana master King" she smiled gently.

"n-no way!!!!!! (y/n)(l/n)!!!!!!!"  Len gasped.

"keep your voice down please. I don't want to attract fans" (y/n) said with her beautiful voice.

"I never expected this to be happened. So you're here cause of the anime song concert? " ask len.

"plus the anime expo of course. I'm going to enjoy it with you!! " she smiled.

"m-me!?  But I'm just an ordinary boy who loves anime" len said.

"and that's why I liked to chat you on the internet. I only want to have some fun a little. Idol's life sucks!!! "

"I don't understand" Len scratch the back of his neck.

"OK,  can you tell me your name? " The girl ask.

"it's Len,  Len Kagamine and I have the same age as you are" answered Len.

"then Len,  cmon here. Well meet the media to declare that from now on you're my new boyfriend" she smiled again.

"bo-boyfriend???????!!!!!!!!!!! " screamed Len.

"It's easier to hangout with you if everyone knows you're my boyfriend, besides" (Y/N) smirked pulling off Len's red wig revealing his blonde hair "You're quite handsome too" (y/n) pulled Len collar and make him kiss her on she lips. In front of public of course (^_−)


Done!!  I finish this one shot. If I really followed my mind maybe I'll publish this 2 more weeks from now 😝 I'm a really lazy author.

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