Chapter one: "Hello Jess"

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She sat there.  In her mothers living room, watching her blonde haired, blue eyed daughter play with dog.  This was her favorite and least favorite time of year. October.  The one time of year her family gets together. And it's all because of him. The man she loved. The man she only saw once a year. The man who gave her the inspiration to write her first novel that launched her career. The man that at any moment will walk through the front door.

He was on his way back to the first place he was able to call home. The only place he could ever feel at home.  And it was because of her. The girl he loved, but could never have.

"You're here!" Shouts the blonde 4 year old, who had lost all interest in the dog as soon as she heard the writers duffel bag drop to the floor. This was the first time she didn't hid behind her mothers leg when he walked in.

"Lizzy!" ,he says swinging her onto his arms. Her given name was Lorelai Elizabeth. Lorielai for her mother and grandmother, and Elizabeth after Elizabeth Bennett.  Everyone else calls her Beth, like in Little Women, but he wanted to stick true to Austen and calls her Lizzy.

"I got you something," he says reaching into his bag. He pulls out a copy of Pride and Prejudice  and hands it to her.  Every year he brings her an old copy of the book.  Usually he also brings a signed copy a new book from one of the authors he publishes, but he forgot it at home.

When Jess looks up, Beth's mother is leaning against the wall, smiling, watching him and her daughter.

"Hello, Rory," he says when he catches her eye.

"Hello Jess."

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