Chapter 15

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Rory wakes up with her head resting on one of Jess' arms and the other wrapped tightly around her. Crap.  Jess had turned on some early 90's movie that they used to "watch" when they were teenagers. And instead of getting up and going to sleep next to her daughter, she feel asleep on the couch with Jess.  She feels around for her phone and when she finds it turns it on to see what time it was. 2:00. Whew. She still had at least four hours until Beth would be awake.  She tries to get up, but Jess' arm won't budge.

"Jess," Rory whispers.

Without waking up, he moves just enough for Rory to stand up. She picks up a blanket off the floor and throws it over him before going and laying down next to Beth. She looks at her daughter and thinks about Jess in the other room and quickly falls back to sleep.

A few hours later Rory wakes up to the smell of coffee. Knowing Jess is already up, she goes into the bathroom to fix her hair and wash her face. She slips on a pair of jeans and walks out of the bedroom.

Jess is sitting at the bar typing furiously.  Rory quietly walks over and puts her arms around him. "Good morning!"

Jess nearly jumps out of his seat. "You almost scared me to death!" He says turning to face Rory.

"What are you working on?" Rory days completely ignoring his statement.

Closing the laptop and folds his arms, he gives her his patented smirk. "Non of your business."

"Just tell me," she says in between kissing him.

"No, but another kiss might get you a cup of coffee."

"Not fair! You know I can't go without coffee!" She says as he kisses her. As soon as he does, she forgets about the coffee. But it only takes one word to bring her back to reality.


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