Chapter 14

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"Uncle Jess!"

"What are you doing here?" Jess questions the four year old as he picks her up.

"Mommy was coming to see you and I wanted to see you too.  Are you mad I came?"

"No of course not!" Jess says comforting Beth. "I'm happy you're here, I've just never had a little girl in my apartment before."

"That's okay I'll teach you how it works."

Rory tries to hide her laugh, as she watches Jess interact with her daughter.

The rest of the evening Beth won't leave Jess' side. She followed him around the apartment and sat in his lap as they watched her favorite movie, Tangled. As the movie nears the end Jess feels Beth's head get heavier and she yawns. He looks at Rory.

"I better get her to bed." She says as she reaches for her.

"No mommy. I want uncle Jess to put me to bed," Beth says sleepily.

Rory looks at Jess and he nods his head. He stands up and carries her to his bed. As he lays her down, she closes her eyes so he kisses her on the head and says good night before walking out and closing the door.

Rory sits quietly as he makes his way back to the couch. "What?" He says when he see the grin on her face.

"You just put my little girl to bed. You bought her junk food and watched Tangled. You kissed her good night."

"What can I say? I have a soft spot for the youngest Gilmore Girl." He says leaning closer to Rory.

He kisses her, something he's wanted to do since she walked in. He sits back and she leans her head on his shoulder much like Beth was doing before. "I'm sorry we weren't able to go on a date tonight like we planned."

"Don't be," he says putting his arm around her, "this is better than any restaurant or movie we could have gone to."

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