Chapter 13

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As the pair finishes up their breakfast, the conversation is light and just seems to flow. But when the pancakes were eaten and the coffee was gone, Rory turns to Jess and says, " I want to take this slow."


"And Beth cannot know.  Because if she does she'll get attached and if this doesn't work..."

Jess cuts her off. "Don't say that.  If we go into this thinking it's not gonna work out, then it won't.  We'll take it as slow as you want and we will eventually have to tell Beth, but it is your decision when we do. Here's what I propose. We talk once a week, on Thursdays after Beth goes to sleep. And once a month when you come for work, we can go on a real date."

"I like that idea."

An hour later, Rory had packed up, Jess had put her suit case in her car, and they were standing beside her car, neither one wanting to say goodbye. As Rory starts to walk around to the drivers side, Jess grabs her hand and kisses it and says, "slow."

She steps back on to the curb. "Slow," she says giving him a quick kiss, "but not to slow." After which she gets into her car and drives away.

Jess watches her drive away thinking that he will never understand her, but that he can't help loving her.

The next month went surprisingly fast. Before either one knew it Rory was on her way back to Philly... with her daughter in tow.

When Beth had found out that Rory was going to see Jess without her, she staged a sit in. Thy pulled up to Luke and Lorelai's and she refused to get out of the car.  Luke had even tried getting her and the car seat out together, but being the Gilmore Girl that she was, Beth put up a fight. She only calmed down when Rory said she could go with her. So here they were mother and daughter on the road.

Luke had called Jess to let him know to expect two visitors instead of just one and as soon as Jess thanked his uncle and hung up, he began to panic. He had never had a little kid in his apartment before much less his girlfriends daughter. He moved everything potentially dangerous to above Beth's reach and rushed off the the store.

He knew what Rory ate and assumed her kid ate the same.  And so he bought junk food. Something he swore he'd never do. Much like his uncle he cared about what he ate and the amount that Rory and Lorelai could consume sickened him.

After he had put the groceries away he gets a call from Rory saying that they are an hour away. So he sits down and waits. Then the waiting turned into pacing, and the pacing into worrying, and before the worrying could turn into anything, there was a small knock at the door.

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