Chapter 8

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I'm sitting at my dest trying to listen to Chris drone on about a new author, but my mind has other, more interesting thoughts running through it.  It's been six days since I sent her that email.  Rory was always prompt about answering me when I contacted her.

"JESS!  Are you listening to me?"

"What?" I snapped back.

"You were doing it again.  I know you had your family thing last month but come on.  It doesn't usually take this long to get your mind off reporter girl. "

"I want to ask her to be our new editor. "

"What? You can't have dinner with the girl without her clouding your head for weeks.  What makes you think you are going to be able to work with her? And I mean don't I have a say in this? We're partners remember. "

"She can work from home.  Maybe come in once a month. Email and Skype will be our main source of communication. She could do the job and you know it."

"Call her.  If she'll say yes, then she can have the job- she has to be better than you."

Jess wants me to call him. Why?  Maybe he needs help with his next book.  No, Jess wouldn't ever let me help him.  Just call him Gilmore! Fine! I hit his number and it begins to ring.


"Hey, Jess."

"Rory, I'm glad you finally called. How have you been? How's Lizzy?"

"We're good. She's been asking about you."

That makes Jess smile- he loves that little girl almost as much as her mother. "Yeah? I've been thinking about her too. I've got another book for her. Hot off the presses, she'll love it. I'll send it with Luke when we comes next," he pauses, stalling. "But enough small talk. I have a job offer for you. Editor. You can work from Stats Hollow. You'd maybe have to come to Philly once a month, at the most. You and Lizzy can stay in the apartment or we could pay for a hotel..."

"Jess, you're rambling. "

"I know- I just think this would be a good thing.  For us and for you."

"Give me time to think about it okay?"

Jess doesn't answer.


"Yeah, I'm still here. "

"If we are going to be in each other lives again, professional or otherwise, you're gonna have to keep the lines of communication open. Okay? Because I really like having you in my life."

"You got it Gilmore."

"Bye Dodger."

AN: I'm gonna be switching to third person point of view from now on.

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