Chapter 29

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"Rory, the written word has always come easy to me, but it took me 15 years to write about you. And when I started, I wasn't able to stop. So instead of standing up here searching for the right words, I want to give you this- because my promise to love you for the rest of my life is the greatest thing I will ever write." Jess holds a small black book with gold letters that read The One He Loves. He opens to the tittle page and reads, "rory- these pages contain only the beginning of our story, but they are also a promise that I will be by your side to write the rest because it is one of the greats."

"Jess, you have always brought out the best in me. Everyday you motivate me and you challenge me. Despite everything, you love me and my daughter unconditionally and I cannot wait to write our happily ever after with you."

The captain that was marrying them turns to Jess and asks, "Jess, do you take Rory to be your wife?"

"I do."

"Rory, do you take Jess to be your husband."

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

"Finally," Jess says only where she can hear as he pulls her in to kiss her.

After everyone had left and Beth had gone to bed, they all were sitting silently around the fireplace. Emily interrupts the silence with a question, "Rory, Jess, have you too found a house yet?"

"No not yet. Nothing has felt right. We want enough room so that we can both have a office," Rory replied.

"Well," Emily said standing up, "I guess it is time for your present then." She walks off leaving the rest confused.

A few moments later Emily returns carrying a small blue box. "This is from your grandfather and I." She hands the box to Rory.

Rory looks at Jess and takes the small lid off. Inside lay two gold colored keys. Confused the newly married couple looks at Rory's grandmother.

Explaining, "I could not ever bring myself to sell the old house. I know your grandfather would have wanted you two to have it."

"Grandma!" Rory exclaimed wrapping her arms around her. 

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