Chapter 20

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Logan steps off the elevator and stops just as he gets to a door. He reaches up, losing his tie and undoing his top button. Going in the apartment, he sees her sitting on the couch. She looks up and smiles.  He fails to return it.  Instead, he walks over to her and says, "Odette, we need to talk."

He sits down next to her and turns to face him. Taking her hand in his he looks down, "Before we got married there was, I mean I..."

"There was a girl," she says more as a statement than a question.

He looks up at her. His eyes give him away, they always have. She can see how sorry he is without him saying it, but he does anyway. He repeats it over and over until she says, "I love you and now you love me so we can put this behind us. And," she says resting her hand on stomach, "get ready to welcome the next generation of Huntzburgers."

"About that..."

The next morning Logan gets up before Odette and goes into the kitchen to make her breakfast. She comes out of their bedroom as soon as he puts her plate on the table. Without saying anything she sits down and eats her breakfast.

After four days of the silent treatment, Logan sits down next to his wife. "Odette can we talk about this please?"

"What's there to talk about now?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to happen..."

"Logan, stop. I'm not mad you have a kid. I'm mad you waited five years to tell me about it."

"I didn't think it mattered until now. I never had any intention to see her or bring her into our life, but..."


"With the baby coming, I've been thinking about her. And then two weeks ago her mom sent me an email."

"Can I read it?"

He pulls out his phone and hands it to her. She reads it slowly.

"It's up to you Logan. I'll support whatever decision you make, but I think you're an idiot if you don't want to be in your daughters life."

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