Chapter 21

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"Luke!" Lorelai yells from the top of the stairs. "Have you seen my pink converse?"

Coming out of the kitchen, he walks to the front door and picks up the shoes. Without a word, he walks upstairs and hands them to her. He pauses long enough for her to kiss his check and say, "thanks babe."

As he is heading back to the kitchen, the doorbell rings.

"Hello," Luke says as he opens the door. "What can I," he stops short when he sees the man standing on his front porch. 

"Hello Luke," Logan says. "Is Rory home?"

Stunned, Luke says, "she doesn't live here anymore."

"Could you point me to her new place?"

Luke looks at his watch and back behind him hoping Lorelai was standing there. "Umm... this time of day she's either at the diner or the newspaper."

"Thank you." Logan says as he turns to take off.

When Lorelai comes downstairs, Luke is still standing in the open doorway. "Who was here?" She says.


Deciding that the diner was a better place to find a Gilmore girl at 12:30, that's where Logan heads first. He pulls up and then he sees her through the window. She's absent mindedly eating fries and flipping through a magazine. Before he knows it he is standing in the diner just a few feet from her. Scared and speechless for the first time since he can remember, he just stands there.

After watching her for a minute, he says, "Rory?"

Rory turns around to see who was talking to her. When she sees Logan, her face turns white.

"I know, I should have called first and that you weren't expecting me, but I just want to talk. Is there somewhere we can go?" Logan says hoping she'll say something.

"Yeah, follow me." She says getting up and going upstairs.

When they get to Rory's apartment she shuts the door. Logan looks around. He sees book, lots and lots of books. To himself he thinks, "of course. What else would Rory have in her apartment." Then he sees Beth's things and something inside him began to hurt. There was a little girl out there with half his DNA and he hadn't bother to meet her.

Trying to ignore the sad look in Logan's eyes, Rory asks, "what are doing here
Logan? I sent that email a month ago. You didn't even respond."

"I'm sorry Rory. I should have emailed you back. And I shouldn't have come. I'm going to go." He says as he turns to the door.

"Stop. Tell me why you came."

Turning back, he walks over and sits down across from where she is at the table. "I came to meet my daughter."

"So you're just gonna leave without doing so?"

Realizing how stupid he must seem to her he stays quiet.

"She's with my grandma today, but she'll be home later. Until then, you and I could get to know each other again. That is, if you feel like speaking."

"Of course. I've always loved talking with you, Rory. Why don't you let me buy you a cup of coffee?"

Smiling Rory says, "you know, one of the perks of living above your stepdads diner, is there is always coffee on hand. And pie."

"I'd never think of getting you coffee and not bring pie back too. I'll be back."

After Logan heads down stairs, Rory sits back and lets out the breath she didn't know she was holding in.

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