Chapter 7

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2 weeks later.

I'm sitting on the couch working, when Beth stops playing and comes to sit next to me.

"Momma," she asks quietly, "When is Uncle Jess coming back?"

Jess and resolved some of our lasting issues that day at the bridge, but the idea that we'd see him again is still strange to me. And it's even stranger that I hope it's soon.

"I don't know babe, why?"

"I liked it when he was here. You were happy," she says laying her head down on my lap.  We sit like that for a while.  Then in typical four year old fashion, she sits up and announces she's ready to watch her movie.

By the time it is over, she has eaten enough junk food that she earned the name Gilmore and passed out on the couch with her hand still in the popcorn. I carry her to bed and get ready to sleep myself. Before I turn out the light, my computer screen cones on saying I have an email. I pull it into my lap to see who's it's from. I open it and it contains only one line, 'Gilmore, I have a proposition for you- call me. Dodger'.

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