Chapter 25

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When Jess gets to Luke's the next morning he finds Rory nervously pacing in front of the counter.

"Hey," he says leaning in to give her a quick kiss. "How long have you been up?"

"Since four."

Jess looks down at his watch. "And how many cups of coffee have you had?"

"Only two every hour."

"Are you ready?" They agreed last night that Jess would come over and they would fill Beth in on what's going on before meeting Logan.

Rory gives a him a single nod.

The couple goes over to a table where Beth is sitting coloring. As they start to sit down, she looks up at them with a huge grin. Rory starts to say something and nothing comes out.

"Beth, your mom and I have something to talk to you about."

Now able to speak Rory says, "honey, do you remember asking me about your dad?"

"Yes," the little girl answers.

"Well, he would like to meet you. Would you be ok with going over to Nana and Pops to meet him?"

Beth gets really quiet. "Are you and Jess going too?"

"Of course sweetheart."

Beth looks to Jess for his confirmation.


"Ok," Beth says getting up.

The walk to Luke and Lorelei's was strangely quiet considering two Gilmore Girls were present. Before the trio new it they were standing on the front porch hand-in-hand.

Two hours later everyone was starting to get more comfortable. Beth was talking with her new-found stepmom about the baby and couldn't be more excited about being a big sister. She was more reluctant to get close to Logan until he handed her a wrapped box. This didn't surprise Rory, gifts has always been Logan's love language and that was something that his daughter had gotten from him.

Seeing Beth get along with Logan and Odette made Rory happier than she would have thought. It felt almost natural. She was sure that it would have been worse had Jess and her mom not been there.

Suddenly Beth announced she needed to use the bathroom and rushed upstairs.

Odette whispers something to Logan and he turns to Rory and Jess. "We were wondering if it would be ok for us to take Beth the afternoon? I know it's quick but we want to spend as much time either with her before having to go back to London next week."

"It fine with us, but you should really ask Beth."

Rory and Lorelai are talking in the kitchen after Logan, Odette, and Beth left and Jess and Luke are sitting in the living room.

"So," Luke says, "you gonna ask her already? Every night this week Lorelai has complained that you ask for our blessing and then make her wait."

"I just got the ring in yesterday and there was no way I was gonna ask then. Tell lorelai to give me a little more time."

"Ok, you should know she's planning on giving the blessing an expiration date."

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