Chapter 23

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Pulling at his collar and loosening his tie, Jess gets out of the car and walks around to open Rory's door. She takes his hand and stands up. They both let out a sigh and Rory takes Jess' arm.

Having never been to a restaurant this nice, Jess let's Rory take the lead. Once they are inside, she steps away from him to talk to a man behind a stand. The only word he picks up on is 'Huntzberger,' and they are quickly rushed over to a private table.

Thankful that Logan and Odette haven't arrived yet and they have a few minutes to collect there thoughts, not much is said. Reaching over, Jess grabs Rory's hand.

Moments later, Logan appears around the corner with Odette trailing behind. Awkward introductions are made and the couple sits down.

"Umm, I guess we should..." Rory starts before she is cut off.

"If I might, Rory before you say anything," Odette say, "I just say I know you don't know me and this is a delicate situation, but I'd like that to change.  I want to know both you and your daughter, and most importantly, I want this baby," her hand instinctively going to her stomach, "to know his or her big sister."

"Thank you Odette. And I want you to know that we want Beth to know you too. I know my family," she says looking over at Jess, "has never really been conventional, so I think we can make this work."

When Rory stops talking, Jess starts, "and Rory and I are going to make this work." He says taking her hand. "And I couldn't love Beth anymore even if she was my own."  At that Logan tenses up. Jess continues, "but, she not. So coming from someone who didn't know his father, I think she needs to know hers."

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