Chapter 10

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Before 9 o'clock the next day, Rory was standing on the street in front of the Truncheon. Taking the last sip of her coffee, she gathered enough courage to walk through the door.

Jess was sitting at his desk with his back to the door staring off in space, when he hears someone walk in.

"Gilmore," he says completely nervous, "I'd offer you a cup of coffee, but it looks like you already have one. So how'a bout something stronger?" He asks while pulling out a bottle of whiskey from his bottom drawer.

"Before noon?"

"Why not? It's Saturday. The only reason I'm here is to get your signature."

"Well then, pour it and hand me a pen."

An hour later, they had hashed out all the details and Rory was a full time employee of Truncheon Books. Jess had gotten her to agree to letting him buy her an early lunch and the pair had set out to wander the streets of Philadelphia.  They soon fell back into their old roles, bantering back and forth, comparing current reading lists. For the first time in a long time, they both felt like themselves again. 

"So," Jess starts after they are seated, "why'd you drive all the way from Stars Hollow when I could have fax you the paperwork?"

Rory takes a sip of her water. She can't tell him it's because she wanted to see him, he might think that's the only reason she took the job. "Because I had to make sure it felt right."

"Since when does Rory Gilmore do anything based on feelings? Your pro-con list should have told you it was right."

"I haven't made a pro-con list since before Beth was born," she replies even though it was a full on lie. The two paged list in her purse about Jess proves that.

"You always surprise me, Gilmore."

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