Chapter 11

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After lunch Jess takes Rory to his favorite coffee shop around the corner. When they walk in she is amazed. Book shelves line the back wall and everyone has a book in their hand. No one is on their phones or computers.

Jess leans over and whispers, "there isn't any WiFi here."

Rory grins. "This place is amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it. Pick a book and I'll get you a coffee. You still drink it black?"

"Of course," she replied as she wondered over to the walk of books.

Rory finds one she hasn't read before and sits down at a table. Jess brings her her coffee and before either of them know it, three hours have gone by.

Jess taps her on the shoulder, "my place is only a few blocks from here," he says nervously, as if he was 17 again, "if you wanna see it."

"I'd love to."

For a block they talk about their books when all of a sudden, Rory slips her arm in Jess' and they both fall silent.   They walk like this until Jess stops in front of an apartment building.

"Uh, this is it."

He holds the door open and Rory goes through.

"There is no elevator, we'll have to take the stairs."

As they walk up the four flights of stairs, they again fall silent. Though less absent minded than Rory's move, Jess slips his hand into hers.

When they reach his apartment, Jess unlocks the door an leads Rory in.  And no sooner than the door clicked closed, did he pull her close and kiss her.   And just like last time, she couldn't help kissing him back.



Rory pulls away as soon as she feels her phone buz.

"Hey, mom.  Oh hi sweetheart," Rory says steeping into the kitchen to talk to her daughter.  "How was your day? Good, you're having fun with Nana and Pops? I'm glad.  I love you too.  Good night.  Let me talk to Nana okay.  Okay bye."

"Hey kiddo."

"Hey mom."

"You Okay? You sound outta breath."

"Yeah I'm fine. We just walked up four flights of stairs."


"Yes mom I'm with Jess.  How's Beth?"

"She good.  Luke is making her waffles for dinner."

"Push over."

"Oh yeah, well, I'm gonna let you get back to your 'stairs' now.  Good night sweets."

"Good night mom.  I'll be home sometime tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay see ya then, bye."

"So that was Beth and Mom," Rory says returning to the living room where Jess has taken a seat on the couch.

"I could kinda tell.  So I think we were right here," he says leaning in the kiss her again.

"Jess," she says stopping him, "we have to talk about this."

"Or we could just not, I mean we know this part works," he says grinning.

"I know it does, but we have to be adults now.  I mean I have a kid to think about who think the world of you.  I can't let you in if your not gonna stay."


"Okay... what?"

"Okay, we'll have an adult conversation about you, me, us.  And about me staying, because this, here with you, this is where I want to be."

She smiles.

"I'll order us a pizza," he says reaching for the phone.

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