Chapter 19

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She has your blonde hair and your love of grand gestures.

He couldn't get that sentence out of his head. For two weeks that's all he could think about.  And tonight he'd tell her.

"Hey," Jess says walking into the diner.

"Hey," Luke says back. "Did I know you were coming?"

"No last minute break from work.  Thought I'd surprise my girls."

"Your girls?" Luke says as he sets a cup of coffee on the counter. 

"Yeah, my girls. Yesterday was two weeks since Rory emailed Logan.  So she FaceTimed me and we told Beth that we are dating."

"That's great and since you are here I guess it went well?"


"Well get up there before Lorelai brings Beth home. And take this to her." He says handing him a coffee mug.

"Thanks Uncle Luke."

Jess slips behind the curtain and up the stairs to the apartment that he used to live in and slowly opens the door.

"You always take good care of me Luke. Just leave it on the table please," Rory says without stopping typing.

"If you insist."

Rory's fingers come to an abrupt stop and she turns around so quickly that Jess is sure she gave herself whiplash.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I came to see my girls, but if I'm interrupting something I'll just go..."

"Don't you dare." Before he knows it she runs over to him and pulls him in for a kiss.

"Hello to you too," Jess says walking over to the couch. He sits down, followed quickly by Rory. He goes to kiss her again but she stops him.

"Did you say 'your girls' when you came in?"

Hesitating he reaches back and runs his fingers through his hair. "Umm... yeah. Is that okay?"

"It's absolutely perfect."

About an hour later Rory gets a text.  "It's mom.  She is being Beth home." She quickly replies, thanks. Jess is here.  Don't tell Beth.

Setting her phone back on the coffee table, she curls back up next to Jess. "Beth is gonna be super excited to see you. I think she has probably asked 100 times since last night when you were coming back."

"I really didn't think she'd act this way to us telling her."

"Why not? She thinks your the best thing ever... next to her Pops of course."

"Well nobody's better than Luke."

Just as she was going to reply, they hear the door open and Beth say, "Momma?"

"Over here kiddo.  Where is Nana?"

Beth sits down to take off her shoes, "she's talking to Pops." She looks up and sees Jess on the couch.

"Uncle Jess!" She runs over and jumps on his lap.  After she gives him a big hug, she climbs down and starts to walk over to where her bed is and Jess' was many years ago.  "Come on," she says grabbing his hand.  "I want to show you my books!"

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