Chapter 5: Family Reunion

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3:27. I can't sleep. I'm laying on my mothers couch wide awake. So I do what I do every night when I can't sleep. I write. But this time it's different. For the first time in years, I'm able to write about her. I write about the first time I meet her, about how much I hated myself for leaving her, but mostly I write about how much I still love her.

I'm sitting at the diner counter drinking my coffee and working on my freelance article. My mom and Beth have gone to pick up Grandma and April for the airport. I keep looking over my shoulder every time the door opens and each time I don't see the face I'm waiting for.

"They will be here soon," Luke says pouring me my sixth cup of coffee. Of course, he only thinks it's my second.   Soon I'm completely focused on my article and I zone out. After a while, I notice someone sit next to me.

"Hey," he says grabbing something off the plate in front of me.

"Hey! In what universe would that be a good idea?"

"And since when do you scare me?" He says giving me the same look he gave me when we were 16. 

We sit there for a moment our concentration broken by the door opening.

"Momma!" Beth comes running up to me and grabs my leg. She starts telling me about her trip to the airport and how Grandma Emily's bag got lost and she yelled at a man. "Then Nana started laughing," she pauses and looks at my mother confused, " A lot like she is now. Hi uncle Jess."

"I don't see what is so funny, Lorelai. The girl told me it would be in Hartford when I arrived and now it's back in Nantucket."

"Hi Grandma."

"Rory! I didn't see you. I've missed you!" She stops in her tracks. "Jess. Hello."

Over the years, Grandma and Jess have become what you could call, cordial acquaintances.

"Emily. Nice to see you again."

"Dad!" A small figure yells, running behind the counter crashing into Luke.

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