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"Jess, I," Logan begins, "I don't know what to say."

"Just promise that you will be there for your daughter. That's all I want."

"Of course. That leads into something else we would like to discuss," Logan says looking to Odette.

"Yes," she picks up, "Logan and I have discussed relocating to Hartford. We would still spend a lot of time in London until the baby is old enough to go to school, but we would be here as much as possible."

Rory is quiet for a moment, the thought of not having her daughter everyday is overwhelming, the the idea that Beth would have a relationship with Logan is something she's always wanted. "That would be wonderful."

The rest of the meal went off without a hitch. It was decided that Logan and Odette would come to Luke and Lorelai's in the morning to meet Beth. Rory had asked that they hold off saying anything about the move until they had a house and everything was official.

While they were waiting for the valet Rory pulls Odette over to the side. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry..."

"Rory- there is on need. I knew Logan was seeing someone else before we got married and I married him anyway. Truth be told, I didn't love him either. But we learned to care for each other and I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else. To do that means excepting he's done in the past and being ok with it."

Thankfully the cars pull up before Rory is able to respond because she was at a loss for words.

The drive back to Stars Hollow seemed much longer than it actually was. Not wanting to interrupt Rory's thoughts, Jess doesn't say anything. He just reaches over and takes her hand. Still looking directly ahead Rory says, "We are doing the right thing. I know that for sure now, but..."

"But you're scared of having to share her."

"Yeah, what if she likes being at Logan's more than here with me?"

Jess pulls the car over. Shifting in his seat so that he is looking Rory in the eyes, "Do you really think that is even something that you should be worrying about? You are her mom, until she gets a boyfriend, you are going to be the person she wants to spend the most of her time with."

"I don't like you talking about my four year old having a boyfriend."

"I don't like you talking nonsense."

"Fine- I'll make you a deal, I'll stop talking about Logan, but you cannot bring up boyfriends for at least 14 more years."

"Deal," Jess says sticking his hand out for her to shake. "Can we go home now?"

"Since when do you call Stars Hollow home?"

"Since you moved back," Jess says as he puts the car in drive.

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