Chapter Two: Tradition

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I hear the front door open and a loud thud on the floor. The next thing I know Beth is running to him. I walk over slowly, watching him with her. Watching the way she makes him smile. I've missed that smile.

He looks up at me and says, "Hello Rory."

"Hello Jess."

I hear Luke at the top of the stairs. "Jess, your here," he says as he walks down the stairs, engulfing his nephew in a hug. "I'm glad you were able to make it."

He wasn't gonna come?

"I changed my schedule around. I wouldn't miss this dinner for anything.  It's tradition," Jess says as he looks at me and smiles.

My mind wonders back to the first Danes/Gilmore dinner we had together. Mom, Luke, Jess, and I at the diner.

My thoughts are shattered by someone waking in the door. "Hello. Hello" shouts Liz and TJ. "We are here."

Everyone wanders into the kitchen just as Luke pulls the casseroles out of the oven. We all are seated with out plates piled high before anyone speaks.

"Where are Emily and April?" Liz asks.

My mom stops eating for a moment and says, "There was a bad storm in Hartford and their planes were delayed. They will be here in the morning."

A few minutes pass by before the silence is broken once again. This time by Beth.

"Nana, Pops, uncle Jess brought me a book. It's really old." She says turning to look at my mom and Luke.

Beth talks until it's time for us the start cleaning the kitchen.

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