Chapter 9

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"Editor?" Lorialei says sitting down at her kitchen table. "Sweets that's what you've wanted Beth was born!"

"I know, but mom, it's Jess."

"I thought you liked Jess."

"I do. That's the problem."

"Look, you know I never have been a huge Jess fan, but liking him or not liking him shouldn't affect your career decisions.  You should at least give it a shot."

"Okay," Rory says taking a sip of her coffee, "I'll call him when I get home."

"Do you want to stay for dinner? Luke should be home anytime now."

"No, I should go before I change my mind," she says walking to the door.  "Beth, I'm leaving.  Have fun with Nana and Pops," Rory shouts to her daughter who's playing in the living room.

Without even looking up, Beth says, "okay bye mom."

Rory looks at her mom surprised. "Yesterday I was Momma. Now I'm just mom."

Lorialei shrugs her shoulders. "Kids these days, they grow up so fast."

Rory gets home and sits down on the couch. She pulls out her phone and hits his number.

"Hello, Truncheon Book. This is Chris."

"Hi Chris.  This is Rory Gilmore calling for Jess."

"Ahh, Rory Gilmore," Chris says loud enough for Jess to hear him at his desk. Jess lunges at Chris.

"Give me the phone!" Jess says trying to whisper.

"I'm sorry Miss Gilmore, I don't think he is in.  Can I take..."

Jess snatches the phone away from him before he can finish.  "Hey Rory."

"So that's Chris, huh?"

"Yeah that's Chris.  He can be a real jerk sometimes." Jess replies, more pointed to Chris than to Rory.

"So I was calling to see if that editors position was still available?"

"Yeah, for you always." Jess says before he can stop himself.  "I mean you're one of the best.  We'd love to have you work here."

"And I'd love to work there."

"Well Gilmore, your hired. I can have our secretary fax you some papers to sign on Monday."

"Or Mom has Beth this weekend so I could come up there in the morning and we could go over everything."

"That be great."

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