Chapter 16

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Rory rushes over to her daughter.

"Momma, I had a bad dream.  I woke up and you and Uncle Jess were gone."

Rory pulls Beth close to her. "I'm right here and look," pointing to Jess, "Uncle Jess is here too."

Beth looks from Rory to Jess and smiles.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" Rory asks.

Beth nods. Going over to Jess she says, "Can we make pancakes? Pops always makes me pancakes after I have bad dreams."

"Of course! Would you like to help?" Jess replies.

As Rory sits at the counter and watches two of the people she loves the most, she can't help but feel like everything was as it was supposed to be. And when she saw Jess give Beth the same look Luke gives her, she knew.

"Uncle Jess," Beth says in the middle of a bite, "I want to see where you and Momma work."

"You do?"

"Yes," She says giving him the same look Rory and Lorelai do when they've made up their minds.

"Okay. Finish your breakfast and we will go."

Shoving the rest of her pancake in her mouth, she announces, "All done.  Let's go."

"Slow down there, kiddo." Rory says. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh yeah," Beth says turning around and running the Jess' room. A moment later she comes out with her book.

"You are definitely my kid, but I was thinking more real clothes and shoes instead of pjs."

Thirty minutes later, all three are dressed and heading down the stairs. When they reach the street, Beth grabs Rory's and holds her other one out for Jess.

A little taken back, Jess hesitates only for a second before taking the little girls hand.

They spend the rest of the morning at the Truncheon. Beth wanted to look at all the books. And of course, Jess complied. He showed her all the ones they had printed and made sure to point out his favorites.

Somewhere in the middle of Jess' grand tour, the pancakes wore off and he had two hungry Gilmore Girls on his hands.

"I'm hungry," Beth whines as they walked to the restaurant.

"Me too," Rory said giving Jess a look he secretly loved.

"We are almost here."

"Finally," Rory says when they get to their table. "I thought for sure you were gonna have to drag me here."

Jess just smiled.  Watching as the girls flipped through the menu, he began to compare their features. Almost everything about them was nearly identical, down to the "I still believe in 398.2" T-shirts they were both wearing. They acted the same, talked the same, but there was one undeniable difference. Beth's hair was blonde. And for the first time it began to bother him.

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