Chapter 22

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One pie and several cups of coffee later, Rory had caught Logan up about Beth, their lives, and told him about Jess. Logan wasn't too thrilled about the man who was his daughters father figure, but know he didn't have room to complain or even state his opinion at this point. He told her about Odette and the baby.

Logan made it clear that he would play any role in Beth's life that Rory would allow him to. Even if that role wasn't 'daddy.' Rory suggested that they get together in two days, with Jess and Odette, and talk again. Logan agreed and offered to make reservations in Hartford.

After Logan leaves, Rory texts Jess.

Call me. We need to talk.

Almost instantly he responds. Kinda busy now, I'll call when I'm done. Everything okay?

Putting his phone back in his pocket, he walks into the dinner. He wasn't supposed to be there until tomorrow, but he felt like he needed to come a day early. And if he wasn't assured of it after Rory's text, he was when he ran into a certain blond millionaire ordering a cup of coffee to go.

After surprising Rory and sitting down on her couch, Jess said, "So you wanted to talk?"

"Logan was here." She said real quietly.

"I know." He said. For which he received a questioning and worried look from Rory. "He was still downstairs when I came in." Jess explained.

"Are you mad?"

"Did anything happen?"


"Does your text mean you were going to tell me?"

"It was the first thing I wanted to do."

Pulling her close, he doesn't say anything. He just kisses her forehead. After a minute, her heart rate slowed down and he asks, "do you want to talk about it?"

The next two days were spent together, Rory, Beth and Jess.  Everything as it should be. And then the time came for Rory and Jess to get ready for dinner with the Huntzberger's.

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