Chapter 12

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When Jess wakes up on the couch and remembers the reason he's there isn't because he stayed up too late working, he smiles. He lays there for a few minutes thinking about the night before. He and Rory had talked about everything. They went as far back to the way he grew up and the problems he had with his mom. They ended with him convincing her he was stable. He had lived in the same apartment for 6 years, he calls Luke and Doula every Thursday night, he had even had a girlfriend after he Rory broke up. They were together three years before she left him for a job in Washington state.

Rory had confessed that she had had a hard time trusting anyone other than her mom to stay. Until Luke, no man had ever stayed in her life. Logan and her dad had always left when things got hard or didn't end up they way they wanted.

Getting up from the couch, Jess go to the kitchen and starts a pot of coffee. He looks at his computer and decides to pull out the pancake mix instead. On a normal Sunday, being the workaholic that he is, he usually would read a draft of two. But today he decided that eating breakfast with her was more important.

He starts mixing the batter and hears the shower turn on. He pulls out the chocolate chips and stirs them in. As he is finishing up the pancakes, he hears the water shut off so he makes two plates and pours another cup of coffee.

When Rory wakes up it takes her a moment to figure out where she was, but when she does it brings a smile to her face. She gets out of bed happy. Something she hasn't been in a while. Not wanting Jess to see her like this, she hops in the shower. When she gets out she is welcomed with the smell of coffee and pancakes. She hurries up and gets dressed and walks out of the room.

When she opens the door, Jess stops and looks up at her. All he does is set her breakfast down on the counter. She sits down and he quickly follows.

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