Chapter 27

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"Do you even have to ask?"

He slips her ring on her finger.

For the next hour, they sit talking about jess' plans for the business.

"And we Chris will be there for the everyday, I wouldn't have to go in but once a week, and you really wouldn't unless there is something going on. So we can get a house with a office big enough for both of us."

"I do like the idea of being in Hartford and the idea of sharing an office with you."

The opening of the door interrupts the couple. Beth comes in talking a million miles an hour with Luke trailing behind.

"Momma! Jess! I had the best day with Logan and Odette..."

After dinner the trio walks over to Luke and Lorelei's for the second time. But before they get there, they make a stop at the pond.

"Beth, your mom and I have something we need to talk about with you."

The little girl looks up at her mother but doesn't say anything.

Rory takes over, "What if Jess and I got married and he came to live with us? Would you be ok with that?"

"You mean like forever?" Beth questions.

"Yes, like forever," Rory answers.

"I'd like that."

Jess smiles and pulls his girls in close. "Then let's go tell nana and pops!"

As they should've know, Lorelai saw the ring before they could even get in the door and soon enough they were wrapped in her arms while she rambled seemingly endlessly. When they finally were released, she rushed to get books and magazines to show Rory all the ideas she had for the wedding.

What seemed like days later, the trio was again standing on he front porch. Beth asleep in jess' arms.

"You gotta tell her we are moving to Hartford," Rory says with a sigh.

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