Chapter two: Intros & Tours

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Eren's POV:

I couldn't keep my eye off of the man before me. He was beautiful! Raven hair framed his face in the most elegant way, his under cut made him look sharp.

I couldn't get my words out and stood there like a gasping fish.

He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to speak. (The alphas took the lead and he must of been surprised that I wasn't taking the lead.)

"Er... I- I'm Eren. Next in line for Pack leader." I brought my hand out, waiting for him to take it. He took my hand firmly. "Levi, son of Maria's Pack Alpha." He gave my hand a small shake.

Armin introduced himself to the girl opposite, she replied with a quick reply of her name, which I overheard was mikasa.

"Have you had time to look around the territory?" Levi shook his head and looked down at his feet. "I could show you?" "I'd like that, thank you." I smiled excitedly, I liked showing people around our pack territory. Sure, it wasn't the biggest but it was beautiful.

It was around 5 o'clock with what I could guess. The outskirts of our territory were shattered with vast trees and flowery bushes.

I looked to my side and eyed Levi.
There's one thing I was certain about, it was that I had a sexual attraction toward this man.



Levi's POV:

This Eren boy is very attentive to my concerns, what's expected of a Alpha and soon to be Pack leader. He explained when pixis (his current pack leader) passed, he'd take on the role of leadership for the whole Pack and I'd be the Alphas mate.

He toured me around his territory and showed me the little market, where a crowd stood.

Some children ran up to us and played with Eren (some were curious about me and came up to introduce themselves), I kept a watchful eye on him chasing the small children around.
Just incase he got too rough.

Why was I looking out for the children all of a sudden? I didn't care if he was too rough with them.

"You like kids I see..." he blushed up at me and smiled. "They're ok, I guess." I could tell he loved them.
He's too easy to read.

"What about you?" I didn't expect him to ask my opinion. Most Alphas didn't care about omegas opinions.

"I guess I have to like them if I'm going to be Alphas mate." "We don't have to have pups you know, although the elders would prefer it..." he whispered the last part under his breath.

"Well, Armin loves children and if your sister does too they'll probably have them soon after their wedding." I hummed at his logic.

Mikasa did love children, and if this Armin man liked them too then we didn't have to have pups. I watched as he patted the children's heads and felt my omegan instinct sing at the living touched me gave.

"So your next in line as Pack leader, huh?" He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah." "How'd you get picked out?" "I honestly don't know. I guess I'm a good person." I rolled my eyes, every Alpha would say that.

He lead me to the middle of the crowd. Everyone made way for us and cleared us a path to get through.

I didn't so much like the alphas staring at me but I knew Eren wouldn't take kindly to the lustful stares I received. Speaking of which I looked up to him and saw a scowl covering his normally smiling face.

I felt a hand on my waist and I was pulled closer to his side. He kept speaking about his culture but I couldn't care less about that other than the fact he just got possessive over me.

I find myself leaning into his chest though. "Are you normally this possessive?" "Not normally." "Hmm." I didn't intend on being this friendly with the Alpha but something drew me to him.

As we went through the centre and near the Pack leaders hut he came out, surprising me when he shouted. "Eren!" He casted his eyes down at eren's placed hand. "I'm glad to see you two are getting along." I blushed and Eren coughed awkwardly, removing his hand immediately.

"Eren, Levi. You'll need to visit Hanji soon. I just told Armin and Mikasa to visit and they're already there." Eren nodded and began to lead me to the this 'hanji' persons hut, presumably. 

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