Chapter thirty two: Family visits

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Levi's POV:

Not even a day later the drums boomed the arrival of another pack near our territory.

I knew exactly who was coming and quickly gathered up a nearby blanket from my nest and tied it around my waist loosely, efficiently hiding my stomach from sight.

I missed breakfast, which I now regretted immensely...

My stomach was starting to get restless, the pups were kicking at me and it was starting to hurt...

I felt sick by the lack of food in my stomach but I was too excited to care.

I rested a hand on my tummy and pressed down on it, hoping to make the little ones settle down a little.

"A-are you ok?" A timid voice spoke by my ear, it was the same Omegan boy as yesterday, the one I now knew as Berthold.

"I'm fine. It's just- the pups are getting restless..." He smiled and looked at my stomach in what looked like awe but I couldn't tell...

Many of the Pack began to crowd around the entrance looking out at the new comers.

I could spy my mother and father as well as Armin on horses.

Mikasa must have been in the giant carriage in the middle of the great crowd, the thing was taking up a lot of space.

The carriage stopped on our border and my heavily pregnant Omega sister pounced out, a little too over excited.

She hugged me tightly, trying to greet me properly.

"Mikasa. I've missed you so much!"

Our stomachs bumped, making it almost impossible to hug properly so we cut it short and I quickly moved onto my family, wanting to avoid her thoughtful gaze...

"Armin." I said in greeting, he simply nodded a reply and looked behind me, closer into the Pack.

"Where's Eren?"

"We are here alone... I need a private word with the both of you later..." I noted.

Mikasa turned serious then, making her normal stoic expression cower to the face she was making now...

"Mother! Father!" I ran to them with wide arms and kissed each of their cheeks, happy to be back with them again.

"My beautiful boy! Look how you've grown."

I'm taller?

...No way!! Really?!

"Well you've certainly gotten rounder..." came my fathers sarcastic reply.

I rolled my eyes but suddenly realised a shadow loomed behind me.

Mikasa was staring into me, I could practically feel her gaze burning into the back of my head...

"Levi. Why are you wearing such a thing in this heat?" She gestured to the blanket still wrapped around me.

"You used to wear one too..." I defended.

"I wore mine around my neck, you're wearing this around your waist, it's totally different. Is this the fashion in your pack?"

She looked around at the many Omegas standing, staring at her as she noted none of them had ridiculous looking blankets around their waists either...

"I guess it's not fashion then... so what's with it?"

I smirked at her and gave her a knowing look, one which she obviously didn't understand until I dropped the blanket.

I saw her eyes light up and widen at my bump, seeing the whole of my previous pack with the same expression stuck on their faces.

There was an eerie silence over the forest whilst the group took in the new information.


"Congratulations Levi..." Armin spoke first, fully recovered from the news.

Mikasa got over her shock next by chanting how she was going to be an auntie whilst my mother screamed out a happy song.

"Both my babies are having babies!" She cried happy tears... at least I hope they were happy tears...

She immediately bent down to paw at my stomach, already making up her future plans in her imagination.

"Congratulations son." My father patted my shoulder lightly, careful to not get too close.

An Omega can get extremely violent when an Alpha gets too close, even a family member.

"It's so big!" My mother spoke from her kneeling position, hands still on my stomach.

"I'm having twins." I shrugged, not thinking it as a big deal.

My mother on the other hand almost fainted.

"I'm happy to see you again and tell you the news but I did not ask you here for this..."

Mikasa stopped her loud cheering and I lead my family further into my home, I let Mikasa into my nest after giving my mother and father their tent.

Armin had to stay outside.

No Alphas allowed!

"Is everything alright?" Mikasa asked, sensing my heavily distressed scent in my nest.

I explained everything to her, from when Eren and I arrived at Niles Pack to when we got home as well as Hannes's Pack being attacked and Eren going to help them... I missed out the parts about Wolfe because I could go on and on about that boy!

She was less than pleased with Eren for leaving me on my own with the Pack but I couldn't be distracted by that, my Pack needed her packs help.

After the chat, things began to settle down.

She announced that her Pack would stay with ours for the duration until Eren returned.

"You must be tired..." I spoke to her, a days travelling and being heavily pregnant couldn't go smoothly together...

I couldn't of been happier with my family by my side, however the worrying never went away...

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