Chapter twenty five: Wolfe

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Eren's POV:

Wolfe would continually follow Levi around wherever he went.

If Levi wanted to go down to the lake to cool off, Wolfe would run straight after him.
If Levi went to sit down, Wolfe would climb right up onto his lap and stare at Levi until he gave in and cradled him like a baby.

I also began to noticed he'd come up to me as well!
Mostly when Levi was bathing the boy would come and stand next to me, knowing full well Levi liked his privacy when he was naked.

Apart from when he was, you know, with me...

Wolfe sometimes say on my lap, staring at me until Levi came back and then he'd give his full attention back to him.

He had a cute face I admit. However he didn't really laugh a lot, at least his little grins brought a smile to Levi's face.

A few days passed.

We'd gotten used to the body guards following us around, the tribe, luckily, had calmed since the first day of our arrival.

Levi was out with Hanji for the day, that left Wolfe in my care...

He looked up at me with his huge eyes, staying silent.

I picked him up and set him on my lap. "What's up kiddo?" He shrugged, he doesn't talk that much either, I hadn't heard a peep out of him since being here.

"You wanna go somewhere?" He nodded. "Where do you wanna go?"

He pointed outside the hut. "You wanna go outside?" He shook his head. "Do you want to play?" He shook his head again. What else could a pup want?

"...Are you hungry?" He jumped up and started to nod his head frantically.

I put him in my arms and stood up. "Alright, let's go get you some food."

I went to the surrogates hut to ask what he liked to eat.
Levi had always been the feeder so I had no idea what he ate.

"Pardon me?" I didn't get a reply but I wanted to get this kid his food so he would be happy.

"I have a question about Wolfe." I entered not caring how rude it was viewed as.

I saw the omegas sitting in a circle. They were holding a few pups to their chests, some were eating from bowls on the floor.

"E-excuse me?" I patted one of them on the shoulder, hoping to get their attention.

"What do you want?" I paused, giving the woman a dirty look.

"...He's hungry but I don't know what he eats." She rolled her eyes at the unexpected parent, p.s. that's me.

"We used to just feed him raw meat."

Raw meat...

For a child?!

"T-that isn't healthy. Hasn't he ever had milk?"

"His mother died a long time ago. Plus, I'm not giving him any of my milk. Only my favourites get that."

A few agreeing chuffs were heard throughout the room and it made me all the more angrier.

"If you actually bothered to care for him you should know what type of foods he likes." "Do I have to repeat myself, Meat."

"You bitches."

I stormed out like a child not getting his way. But with a murderous intent.

"Now Wolfe, don't go and tell Levi I said that bad word... Don't want him to think I'm teaching you how to be rude." He nodded silently but had a smile on his face.

I went hunting for the little tyke and cooked a 'Not too burnt but burnt enough to make you know it's burnt' meal for the both of us.

Levi's POV:

I walked with Hanji towards the huts. She had been talking non stop today, she told me that Hannes had asked her to stay for longer in his Pack as he was frightened what would happen with Sasha and her pup.

She happily agreed to his generous offer, however that meant Eren and I would have to go to the other packs... alone.

"Eren will protect you, don't sweat it."

...Easy for you to say.

I bid her goodnight and walked into the hut I shared with my 'taking care of for a few weeks' child and my lovely husband.

"I'm alive, don't come rushing up to me all at once." I mocked once I saw no one in the tent.

The curtains covering the bed were closed, Eren must be sleeping.

"Wolfe?" I whispered, trying to search for him.

I pulled back the curtains and saw the two men, one big, one tiny.

Eren's arms were cocooned around Wolfe, pushing him into his chest, The pup nuzzled into the solid surface and sighed out happily.

I kissed both of their heads before getting ready myself, getting in with them, whilst Wolfe was stuck in the middle of us.


"Levi wake up~"

"What is it, Eren?" 

I turned my head and looked at him curiously.

"Look at him."

"What are you talking about?"

"Look at Wolfe."

I looked down instinctively and low and behold the little pup was there, laying against my chest.

"I can't wait to watch this when we have our pups." I prickled slightly.


The boy had begun to move his head around. Presumably searching for a nipple to suckle on.

He found one and started sucking.


"You want something that will what?"

"Is there a plant that makes you... lactate before late pregnancy..."

"Eren's finally getting kinky eh?"

"What! No way."

"Oh...~ it's for that pup isn't it?"

~End of flashback~

I pushed him further into me, hoping the leaves Hanji gave me worked.

She had assured me it was safe to take whilst pregnant so I tried it.

I didn't want Eren knowing about me feeding him until after the twins were born, I could tell he wouldn't be very happy about me taking 'drugs' much less feeding someone else's child!

"I should go speak with Alpha Hannes."

"Yeah you should."

Yeah, Go away. I'm trying to hide my tits from you.

He got up and started to dress. I didn't bother watching the strip show, I kept a close eyes on the pup.

I happily concluded that the medication had worked. He was successfully feeding!

His other hand came up to hold the other peck, started squeezing at it roughly.

I sighed, throwing my head back.

"...I shouldn't be doing this."

I looked back down.

"But I can't stop myself..."

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