Chapter eight: Easy escape

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Levi's POV:

It was awfully cramped in that tiny ass room, I begged Robin to let me out and finally after a few hours of constant whining, he allowed it.

This place was bigger than I expected it to be, I heard strange sounds from other rooms which concerned me slightly, so I walked on the opposite side of the hallway.

I passed through to the main entrance and looked out the window longingly.

It had a been long time since I'd been out, I may or many not have put on weight since then but I couldn't exercise here!

"Robin..." I pointed to the yard of trees with a pout.
He must of known what I wanted because he sighed.

"Only for a bit." I cheered, although it was fake, I just wanted to gain his trust enough to try to escape this place.

I practically ran outside and fell face first into the grass. I moaned happily smelling the fresh air.

Robin stared at me wide eyed. "Didn't think you'd like it this much."

I wanted to be out here alone, just the thought of him watching me creeped me out.
I didn't like him seeing me so vulnerable!

Speaking of which, he must've read my mind because he went inside, he still kept an eye on me however.

He looked through the window smiling like an old person, occasionally waving when we made eye contact.


I lay on the floor and closed my eyes trying to forget his staring.

"Prince Levi your dinner is ready. Please come back inside!" I sighed dramatically but obeyed his command and went back inside.

"Could you stop calling me prince?" His eyes widened slightly. "B-but that would be very disrespectful is me, my lord!" I rolled my eyes towards him and glared.

I wanted to go home, go to Eren...

The day our wedding was meant to be on was hell for me. Well, the night was increasingly terrible. I was horny as hell and couldn't do anything without Robin coming in to check on me every five seconds.


It was midnight when I woke to the feeling of a hand over my mouth, I sat up in a frantic panic.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I began to make out the persons face.

I pulled his hand away from my mouth and I hugged him tightly. "Don't scare me like that!" I whisper shouted into his shoulder.

His hand cupped my cheeks and he kissed my lips for the first time. "I missed you." I smiled sweetly at him and replied with the same.

"How did you find me, how many days did it take to find me, how'd you get past the guards, what about Robin?" He looked at me, perplexed.

"Too many questions at once. I'm more focused on getting us out of here. I'm not leaving without you."

I sighed happily, he wasn't going to let these people take me again. We wouldn't lose each other again.

"I sorted the guards out earlier." He went towards the window and opened it wide.

"Come levs, let's get you home." I practically jumped into his arms and he jumped out onto the muddy floor.

It was pitch black outside but luckily Eren was prepared and he lit a night lamp.

After a while of walking he stopped walking and hugged me again.

"It's been so long since I last held you, I- I'm sorry I was so careless. I didn't expect them to do anything like that..." I patted his head soothingly.

"I didn't expect it from them either."

He sighed out a string of curse words and tugged my hand in his, we held hands until we reached the boarder of the Rose territory.

I saw other figures in the darkness and hide behind Eren slightly.

"Levi!" Hanji...

I felt arms around me and a head on top of mine. She wiggled and shook as she hugged me. "Oi, it's only been two weeks." "But we all missed you! That's why we're here." She gestured to everyone of the dark figures.

Erwin, Mike and even moblit was there. "Wow even you came, huh." He chuckled slightly.

"Hey." Eren voice came through everyone and we all looked to him. "Let's get home."

He grabbed my hand again and we all followed after him towards the centre of the Pack, where the huts were.

"We will need to speak with the Pack leader as soon as possible but you can rest first..." Eren whispered.

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