Chapter twenty four: Parents?

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Levi's POV:

The smaller children were the only ones who understood me! The little ones would scream if they didn't get to sit near or next to me.

The boy from before began crawling up my chair! He stretched his arms out, fisting and un-fisting his hands.

I knew simple kid body language so I knew that meant he wanted up.

I picked him up and wrapped my arms around him, luckily he was small enough to hold like a baby.

He smiled shyly up at me and closed his eyes, snuggling into my chest.

"He likes you." Hannes magically appeared next to me. Startling me. Instinctively I clasped the child closer into me.

"He's never had a mother, she unfortunately died during child birth." I looked down at the boy and relaxed once I knew Hannes wasn't that much of a threat to us. Plus I knew Eren had his eyes on me.

"Wolfe." He opened his eyes at his name and grinned. He had beautiful brown eyes, a cute baby nose and thick brown hair.

He relaxed once again into me. He kind of reminded me of Eren, what a cutie!

I looked up at Eren, my motherly instincts raising as the boy began to knead at my chest. "I don't think you'll find anything in there just yet."

"Who does he live with, if his mother isn't here?" Hannes pointed over his shoulder at some random tent. "He lives with the surrogate omegas."

I turned to the boy again, a small boy who's never had a mother and is extremely shy warms up to me, a stranger!

I was about to move him around into a more comfortable position when he shrieked out loud. "W-what's wrong, what happened?"
I watched him hide away in the crook of my arm.

A female omega came up to me, eyeing the boy in my arms.

She held her hands out to him, but he stayed still, clutching my top, staring at me with big eyes. I stroked his hair. "What's the matt-"

"Wolfe..." She warned.

I didn't like her tone at all. I tightened my grip on him, making sure she could see I wouldn't let him go just yet.

"With all do respect Pack leaders mate, you have no control over that child. So you should hand him over."

Oh, so the bitch had an attitude?

I slapped her open hands away from the now whining boy.

"I may not have control over this boy... but you know who I do have power over?" Eren wrapped his arms around my neck, his aura threatening.

"-We have power over you." He finished my sentence with a growl.

"He's stay with us for the rest of our stay. Thank you, you can leave now."

Eren! Stop being so sexy. I'm gonna do so many things to you when we get bac- wait... there'll be a pup... Damn it!

The girl wasn't very pleased about being told to get lost in front of the Pack but at least the little pup was happy now.

"Ow, b-but I wanna g-go too!" "How come Wolfe gets to go!" "That's not fair!"
"I want to go with Pack leader Eren and Levi!"

I calmed the other pups down and bid them good night.

At least the children liked me.
I didn't care if the adults didn't like me, the children did!

"Come Wolfe." I went to put him down but he refused stretch his legs out to put his feet on the floor. I sighed, feeling a soft spot growing for him.

"Fine fine." I carried him the rest of the way, back to the hut we would be staying in.

Eren's POV:

Levi seemed to be very good with pups, I was ecstatic when they seemed to accept him whilst no one else did. He was like a mother figure in their eyes.

I watched him from the corner of my eye, cradling the little brown haired pup. He had his eyes closed,  happily trusting in Levi to carry him to our temporary home.

At least this brings his attention away from his nest.

After stepping inside the hut he began to look around almost frantically. "Where can we put him? He needs to be safe- and warm and we need to make sure he can reach us easily if he has a nightmare and-"

"I'll put some rugs down next to the bed, you'll be close." He seemed happy with that answer.

I didn't dare say we'd have to leave the boy once we head to the next Pack.

"Hey Levi..." He looked up after putting the boy on the makeshift bed, tucking him up snugly. "Don't get too attached, ok?" By the look on his face he seemed surprised I'd ever say that. "O-of course not! I'm having my own soon anyway."

We both stared at the youngster from our own bed, he faded back and forth in between sleep.

"Is this what it's like being a parent?" He spoke quietly as he stroked the boys head to comfort him.

Shit he's too cute!

"I- I guess." "He looks a bit like you when his eyes are closer." I looked at the pup again, I didn't necessarily know what my face looked like asleep so I went with nodding in agreement.

"What if he wakes up in the night?" "It's your call mummy." I kissed his cheek and turned the opposite way, back to him.

"Goodnight levs."


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