Chapter nineteen: Appointed

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Levi's POV:

Waking up with someone else is meant to be a wonderful experience... well, unless you're next to a certain annoying brat!

I swear he turned into a octopus during the night, his limbs wouldn't stop moving around! One leg goes left, another goes up in the air.

The arm under my head stays unmoving but I can't say the same for the rest of his body.

"E-Eren... get up!" He mumbled something in his sleep. I kicked his side and he snorted himself awake.

"What! Are you ok?" He squinted his eyes to try to focus more on my face. "Get up..." "But its still dark out!" He snuggled closer into the furs. "Don't care." "...fine" He begrudgingly got up and started to undress.

I was happily watching the show until Pixis strutted inside, uninvited.

"Eren! Levi!" He sighed out a puff of breath as if he'd ran here.
"What's wrong alpha?" "I have announced to the Pack you be appointed today at dusk!"

I stared wide eyed at him whilst Eren's entire body froze.

"S-so soon?! Why now!" "There has been a lot of suspicious behaviour coming from the surrounding tribes, every single one of them has requested your presents for at least a week."

Eren was first to question, it came out as more of a worried ramble than question. "Why is it suspicious?" "The tribe that attacked us years ago have requested your attendance in the coming months."

"We can't go." Eren declared, not batting an eyelid.

"Why not?" Pixis' eyebrow raised. "I am not letting them near my pregnant omega! For all We know it could be a trap!"

I got up and placed a reassuring hand on his back, swiping it back and forth to try to sooth him.

"It's something we have to do, we can't show them we are cowards Eren, or else they could see our weakness as vulnerable and they could attack again." He breathed out, knowing I was right.

"But the pup..." "I won't let anyone touch it. Remember our deal? Until my last breath I will protect it." He looked into my eyes and forced a smile.

I could see he still didn't want me to go but as long as he was around I'd be safe.

"You've been waiting for this since you were a teen Eren, don't be so worried about it. Pixis has taught you everything you need to know." He nodded his head in a more positive way and kissed my cheek.

Pixis spoke with Eren more, mostly boring stuff that I didn't care about but he eventually left, leaving us alone.

I could sense Eren was still a bit upset so I sat with him on the bed holding his hand tightly.

After some time he finally spoke.

"Levi, I'll go to the Pack that attacked our tribe. You stay here... You'll be at least 4 months pregnant by then and I'm not allowing them to see you and me so vulnerable."

I quirked my eyebrow. "Brat, you think I'd allow them to touch our pup or me for that matter?"

"I don't doubt you will protect them, it's just- we were a strong Pack and they managed to cut us down drastically. I just don't want another person I hold dear to me  disappear by their hands again."

I sighed.

"We'll protect each other, show those assholes how strong we are and make sure they never mess with our Pack again or we'll beat them to the ground!" He began smiling through my rant, maybe even chuckled a little. 

"We should start getting ready." I nodded, liking the new atmosphere.

Eren was rehearsing his lines, ones a Pack leader had to memorise and say to their Pack to encourage them about how good they would lead them and such.

I, however, didn't need any lines... I had to just stand in the background and look pretty. So I snuck out to see my friends, luckily I didn't have to look for long before I heard hanjis loud mouth.

They were down by the river again, Hanji, moblit, Erwin and Mike sat at the edge, their feet dangling in the cool water.

"Yo yo Levi!" I rolled my eyes at the brunette.

"Now that you're all here, I have some news!" Everyone stared up at her. She had a captive audience.

"I'm pregnant again!" Moblit was over the moon, Erwin was hyperventilating and Mikes eyebrows were disappearing into his hair line. I felt like I didn't just hear those words coming from her.

"H-how many kids do you want...Slow down you two!" Erwin muttered after his coughing fit.

"I only have 9 pups Erwin! That's far too little for my tastes." I felt my own eyebrows raise in shock at the staggering number. She'd pushed out 9 children, I didn't think I could even handle 1!

"How many do you want Levi?!" I gulped, feeling interrogated.

"2, I guess..." I blushed when they all awed at me. "I don't jell well with children. 2 is far enough."

Hanji looked a tad disappointed. "But! Think of the little being growing inside of you. They're so cute and small, so vulnerable, yet you're their only hope in surviving. You're the god in their world that can easily take them away or give them life."

The thought of me being a safe place for my pups was exhilarating... I actually liked the idea of them thinking of me like that, as a mother, a protector.

I placed my hand on my stomach and a small smile crept up my lips.

I'll keep you safe


Eren managed to memorise his lines well enough for Pixis to happily pronounce him as the Pack leader.

The session had been a very long very boring ceremony.
Pixis would appoint him, he'd give a speech, he'd shake everyone's hands, they'd show they accepted him, he'd drink from the special wine only Pack leaders drank and so on.

All of the omegas crowded me from seeing him, asking me questions about my body, how many pups I wanted or expected, they even told me what to expect during labour!

"My friend actually made me realise how much I wanted this.
To protect them and be a safe house for them."

"-I'm happy you feel that way Levi." Eren came strutting through the crowd of people, they all submitted to him and bowed their head in respect. He came up to me and stared.

"A-am I suppose to bow too?" He laughed. "You're the Pack leaders mate Levi. The only time you're bowing is in be-" "-I think you should stop talking now!" I nervously covered his mouth but it was too late, the crowd laughed.

"You little-" I pointed my best glare towards him. "It was your fault! You said all that cute stuff about wanting our pups and being safe or something." A little pout made its way to his lips.

"Ok! fine! I want these god damn pups. I admit it!" He nuzzled the side of my neck. "Good because so do I."

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